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Sehun's POV

Biting my lower lip, I swallowed hard and suppressing my tears back. I heard the people inside the cinema together with the executives of the intertainment, the director, staffs, Katrina, and EXO clapped their hands and some are wiping their tears because of the ending. People are coming for me to shake hands and congratulated me for the job well done.

"S? Don't forget the after party! Congratulations!" Mr. Laurel shake my hand "yes sir, thank you". People now is going outside the cinema and I'm sure it will be replaced by people outside queueing to watch the movie, too.

"Congrats S! Really proud of you!" Hyung Suho then tapped my shoulders "We really proud of you, our maknae" my co-EXO said in chorus that makes my heart flattered. I'm so overwhelmed.

"It's a blockbuster huh, congratulations writer S!" Katrina said. Then she hugged me. "Haha, thank you Kat!" I then tapped her head. "So let's go to the after party? Your friends can go,too." She winked at me. Well I know that winked. "Don't give me that winked, they're not available! Haha"
And we both laughed.

"Thank you everyone for trusting me, thank you also for our great director, staffs and of course our artist, my friends and Kat for believing me" I said as I giving my last speech in the ceremony of the party for the success of this movie.

Thank you my love from the past Lisa, I'm still hoping love. "This wouldn't be possible if it's not because of you. Thank you." That's it I ended the speech and everyone gives me a round of applause.

I'm smiling genuinely while roaming my eyes to appreciate everyone in the hall. My eyes stop when I saw someone, lips parted and my heart beating profusely.

Wearing her black long sleeve dress that fits and compliment her curve and model like body. Her blonde hair and bangs is now a short black hair and now bangless , she's stunning even thou the light is quite dimmed in her spot. She change a lot.

When our eyes met, she smiled at me and left the hall. That makes me panicked, before I realized what happened I abruptly go down from the stage and followed her.

"Lis?!" I called. But she's gone. Where is she?!! "Lisa?!" Still looking for her in the doorway.

It's been two fvcking years but I'm still into her. I'm now in the mall's garden sitting in one of the benches here. I saw also people who just busy strolling around.

I just can't believe that I saw her here, or it's just my fvcking imagination again?!

"Hi". A simple hi and my heart skipped a beat seems like my world stop. Even I close my eyes and don't look at who's speaking I know exactly who she is.

My Lisa.

I still don't look at her, because if I do it's the end of me. "congratulations" she said then she sat beside me.

I nodded and smiled.

"Se?" Fvck I really missed her voice. "You're so unfair. I'm mad at you." She said while pouting. And I know what is it.

"I don't want the ending, I don't like it." She said again. I chuckled mockingly. "It's done already, everyone like it" I said coldly.

"But I don't like it." She said with finality. Oh my this woman!

"What are you doing here?" I uttered. "To mend the past" she said. "Don't play at me" I said frustratedly.

"I'm not. You, why are you doing here?" She paused "looking for someone?" Then she smirked.

"No."  I answered shortly. She nodded not convinced by my answer. Then I remembered something, memories flashed. Now it's clear to me that she's the one I saw in the bar on Luhan's birthday, and the one I saw in the cinema earlier, and then now in the after party... Is she following me?

"Are you following me?" I eyed here in conclusion.

"No. You're the one who followed me here." Fvck she knows.

"Don't play with me Lisa, why didn't you approach me? All this time, why did you show up now?" I asked her frustratedly holding her with both hands. And I'm burning.

"Because I don't want to be selfish! I remember everything now Sehun! I want you to be happy because youu gave me my supposed happiness. But. But..I "

" But what?" I cut her off.

"But I want you, because your my happiness." She hugged me and cried hard in my chest. "I'm sorry." She plead.

"Shhh, pls stop baby stop, shh" I hushed her while caressing her back. "I'm sorry too." I shed a tear as  I apologized and she nodded hugging me more.

"I missed you. I missed you a lot in whole 2 years you're still my love. I can't forget you." I said truely.

"I remember everything, and I miss you my everything" she said and I know she's smiling. She even sniffed me for God's sake!

"So we're okay now?" I asked hear hopefully. "No. I don't like the ending of the movie." She complained again and crossed her arms.

I chuckled.."why?" I probed as I pulled her as I hugged her again.

"We both know that that's not the ending. You're just being bitter and emo." I chuckled again.

"I'm sorry. I don't know that your watched my story so."

"Your story? Really huh? It's our story!" She said matter of factly. "Our story that you change the ending. We just lost communication and we have misunderstanding back then because of me, of course. But as far as I remember we didn't break up! And I don't chose him over you. And you know that. His been my ex and now my friend. Jungkook is nothing but a friend, he helped me a lot and he's a good guy" I shrugged in her litany.

"Okay okay, shh" I chuckled and pulled her again in me but she refused.

"Who's that girl?" She eyed me with her round and Barbie like eyes.

"Who?" I asked lazily. "Have guts to deny huh?" She mocked. "As if I don't saw you hugging her" she said bitterly. Is she jealous? My baby is jealous.

"Katrina?!" I asked her in disbelief. "So Katrina it is huh?" She rolled her eyes.

"So my baby is jealous" I teased her. "No! Of course not? Why would I?" She denied but it's very evident.

"She's just my friend and a sister to me. You? You are my baby. So don't worry okay?" I assured her she then smiled and giggled. I Kiss her temple and hugged her. my God how I missed her so bad!

"Now can I have a kiss from my baby?" I said and teased her.

"Ang rupok mo ha!" She said with Korean accent. I laughed at that I can't believe. Haha.

"Sana all." I chuckled. "Sana Orl" she repeated.

Now that she's back in my arms again I couldn't asked for more. She's my love from the past, my love at the present and my love at the future.


"Bear in mind that your the author of your life, so make your own desired and happy ending" -yourauthorlove_psychee.


Sehun and Lisa nyo natagpuang marupok!!! HAHAHAHHAHA
Salamat po sa mga nagbasa, bumabasa at magbabasa pa lng haha. . I really appreciate it🤗 it's my first story at d pa masyadong magaling.hihi.
for those who commented, voted and recommended my story thanks a lot it means so much to me.

Slamuch sa lahat BLINK's AND EXO-L's the strongest and peaceful fandom I ever had. May we continue to love our BLACKPINK and EXO till last. I love you. 😘💗🖤

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