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Sehun's POV

"You okay?" She nodded. We're now at the back of their house while sitting in the bench. I'm looking at her while she is looking straight forward. I'm just staring at her intently, memorizing her angelic and Barbie features. Yes she's an angel and a Barbie at the same time.

"Don't stare" she said. I just chuckled then stare her again I can't stop. "Don't stare.. " now she look at me "please" her eyes , her nose, her lips, her bangs hehe.. I will miss it all.. I will miss her. "Okay I'll stop".

I want to say something but I don't know what it is..."Se?" I look at her "hmm?" "Thanks for everything, I may not remember you but my heart is telling otherwise, that I know you.  That you have a special space in my heart..." I smiled at her and slightly squeezed her hands. "Don't worry Lis, I will wait until you remember me" I said. "But Se, isn't it unfair... You'll keep waiting for me.. and I'm here I have an Amnesia, not sure if..if..if I can remember you"  she look at me with pity, concerned and a total blankness in her eyes...

"Waiting for my love is never be unfair" I told her and hold her hands again. "Waiting for you Lisa will never be unfair, your worth the wait" I plastered an assuring smile... She pouted... "Even it means I'm longing for s.. someone?" She asked me, I don't know but I saw a sudden hope in her eyes and pain.

That makes my heart ache. I look at the other side to avoid her eyes. I can't take it. "Sehun answer me, you will still wait for me even I'm inlove with another man?"
F*ck that love. Lis you're not inlove with him.. cause you're inlove with me! I really want to tell her that but it just stuck in my head. My jaw flexed.

"See? You can't answer me" she pulled her hand that I'm holding. "Yes. I will wait for you." I look at her intently. "no please. I will just feel guilty.. please let me go" she cried and pleaded. Like she is pleading for her life and I'm the sucks. "Don't cry... I-" she cut me mid sentence. "Sehun please. Set me free... It's so hard for me..huhu" she burried her face in her hands. "Shh.. if that's what you want..but please don't push me away" I hugged her and kiss her temple. She nodded while crying in my chest.

We're walking back to their house when she held her head and groan in pain. "Ouch!" She held my arms for support. I suddenly hold her waist to support her.  "Are you okay?" I asked a bit panicked. "It hurts a lot Se!" And she groan again...

I immediately scoop her by my arms and bring her inside their house. She immediately checked up by her doctor in her house. Her mother decided that they will fly back to Thailand as soon as possible, no they will fly back three days from now. Yes. I only have three days to be with her. I want to be with her forever but I can't. Maybe I will just visit her in Thailand when I have time. I have lots of things to consider I have studies to finish.

Now... Where here at the airport. Now is the flight of Lisa and her family to Thailand. At first I don't want to go with them to send them into the airport but my exo family drag me. Infact we're both complete here, I know they're busy but they make time for Lisa and for I know that they will just gonna tease me the moment they saw tears in my eyes.

"Lisa, goodbye. Have a safe flight,okay?" Jisoo told her "Lisa, we fight a lot but still I love you." Rose told her while whilst her tears. "Be good there ah, and always take your meds, always follow what's the doctor wants you to do or take. Don't be a hard headed okay? Lisa I will miss you" Jennie hug her "I love you" Lisa whisper. I hope all.. Sana Orl.. "SANA ORL!"Sehunnie Sana Orl"  Exo said in chorus.. I eyed them. But they just laughed at me. Lisa hugged Jisoo, Rosé and Jennie one by one. Then they form group hug. "so Lisa we will miss you a lot. Be a good girl okay?!" Suho told and rumpled her hair. "Oppa!" She complained.
We laughed about that. She's cute tho. My co-EXO bid their goodbyes while I'm watching them. I don't want to say good bye. It hurts me inside. "Ahm, Se? We will go now" she said while pointing inside. "Yeah, of course. Ahm be careful okay? Always eat your meals. Don't stress yourself too much. Let's see each other again. See you soon." I embrace her tightly. "See you soon. I will miss you" she said and hug me tighter. "I love you so much" I whispered. " I love you". That three words makes my heart flattered. It sounds so good. But I know what's that mean exactly. She didn't remember me yet.

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