Chapter 12

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"kyahhhh!put me down!" I shouted at him and tapping his hard chest but seems that he didn't got hurt..."ahhhhh!" I shouted more when I feel the cold rain dropping in me.."put me down!" I begged into him still shouting.. finally he put me down.."haha haha!" He laughed out loud.."do you think it's funny!" I hissed at him but instead of answering me he just wink at me.. I forced a smile...then rolled my eyes upwards.

Sehun's POV

It feels good that she's in my arms when I lifted her bridal style..she hissed at me and I don't mind it at all instead I winked at her..but she just forced a smile then rolled her wide and angelic eyes upwards.. then suddenly.."Wohhh!! Let's play under the rain!!" She shouted and start to turn around.. with her hands wide open "lala lala lala lala!" She sing (BLACKPINK 'STAY' tune) "lala lala lala!" She seems so happy..haissh..her voice it's good to the ears, her smile so innocent that can give a sunshine to everyone who can see her smile, she's amazing... isn't she's bipolar? Earlier she was pissed and now she's being happy..well girls.. "Hun?" He turned his head and look at me "hmm?" I asked her expressionless.. "whats that?" He asked me with knitted eyebrows and she was approaching me.."where?" I asked her then touched the sides of my cheecks, I can sense that she's planning something.. "there." She said "let me get it" she added. "Oops!" I stopped her from touching my cheecks.."haissh Hun, you don't have a trust in me is that it?" She asked me then she pouted his lips.. I don't answer her because honestly I don't know what to say or do.. she lifted her cheeks up and look at my eyes sadly...I avoided her gaze and look at the other side.."haissh..I'll get it." She said sadly, she came closer in me then she lifted her arms hesitantly and he touched my face with her trembling hands.. still I was looking at the left side but she lifted up my chin and make me face in the right side.."here's the dirt" she uttered and wiped the right side of my forehead down to my right cheek.."that's okay" I said said and hold her hand that's wiping my face..the moment we touched hands I can clearly feel the spark on us... I don't know if she felt it too.."auh thank you!" I uttered "your welcome!" She said cheerfully..and smile wickedly.. but why is she smiling like that?? Is she planning on something?? Hmm..I look at her accusingly.. "Arai ka!?" (What!?) She snapped at me..."Thàmi khun mxng chan bæb nàn ka?" Ehh?? What she just  said?? I don't understand!! (Why are you looking in me like that?).. After saying that she turn her back in me and walk away from me still the rain is falling..I run to follow her.. "What language is that?" I asked the moment I am in beside her, now we're walking in rhythm..she just half lift her hands up and shrugged her shoulders.. and smiled with me again...aish! Don't smile like that! "Ahuh! Thai language right?" "Your from Thailand eh!" I added..and smile triumphantly like I got a jackpot.."haha! You know what your so smart!" She said with a hint of sarcastic I don't know if that's a complement or's sounds like she's teasing me or what.. why is she giggling every time she looks at my face.. there's something wrong with me? In my face?? Haissh.. she walk in front of me, five steps away from me, she's humming the 'lala lala'. While feeling the rain.. haissh..crazy.. I'm still bothered what she just said earlier.. I don't understand it! I can better understand Mandarin but Thai language? Don't know...hmm..maybe she's saying something bad about me or maybe she's insulting me earlier..haish.. I wiped my face with my hands, I have a handkerchief but it's no use anymore because I'm already wet.."what is this?" I asked my self the moment I saw the dirt in my hand maybe it's from my face.. from my face?? I wiped it again and again and I'm not wrong there's really dirt in my face.. I smelled it and thankfully it doesn't smelly.. who put it in my face? I'm really sure that's it's not me..  me and Lisa are the only people here...Lisa?Lisa?? "LISA!!!" I shouted her name.. she look back at me looks like she got startled at first but when she noticed my pissed expression she suddenly make peace at me and smile hesitantly.. then she run fast..."LISA,!! You're dead!!" I shouted my frustrations and run as fast as I can so that I will caught her and make her paid..then we are like crazy little kid that were running under the rain chasing each other.. "Stop!! Please I can't breath anymore..ha! Hahaha!" She stop running and hold her chest, she even dictate me to stop with her hands showing me to stop.. but she didn't stop from giggling and laughing.. I start approaching her again...with a triumphant smile because I know I will get even..huh! " I said stop!! Yut! Yut ka!" (Stop! Stop!) She said in panic. She will going to run fast but not fast as me.. I caught her in the wrist and slightly pulled in me.. the reason that we slightly bumped into each other..I saw her gulped and I gulped too..I buried my face down into her, she take one step hands still holding her wrist.. "What are you doing?" She asked me with creased eyebrows I guess that she's nervous right now.. "taking my revenge." I answered to her and smirked triumphantly.. while I buried my self more into her like I was going to kiss her.. her eyes went wide and put her both hands to cover her lips.. "pst! Hahaha!" I stepped backwards and I laughed at her reaction.. "really Lisa?" I paused for a while to asked her then I laughed again..  "Arai ka?!" She asked me angrily..( 'Arai' means 'What' in Thailand ) "are you thinking that I will going to kiss you? Haha!" I continued to laughed and teased her.. "and so If I said yes.huh?. knowing you that you can really do that! Since just the two of us in here and it's so cold because of raining! You will going to kiss me, and you will just used the opportunity to force your self in me and  laid me in bed, and if that's happen I will going to be pregnant and if I'm pregnant I can't attend class anymore and my studies will be ruined, I can't have a good work and can't able to support and raised my child.. And my future will be ruined and devastated just because of YOU!!" wow! She said her litany nonstop without taking a breath.. I felt like my eardrums are cracked, my eyes bulged out, my jaw dropped and my shoulders slammed down because of what she said.. she's really an  advance thinker.."do you really think that I can do that?" I asked her unbelievably.."YES!" She exclaimed without hesitations.. what the fudge!! "Michin!" I said and move my head side by side.. "what did you just say?" She turned back and put her arms on her waist.. haha! Luckily she don't understand my language! She don't understand 'Hangul'.. "nothing" I slipped my hands on my front pocket and I walked away and passed her.. now I'm in front of her while whistling a sound... I was about to take another step when suddenly a hard object hit the back of my head.."ouch! Wo!" I exclaimed.. "Nothing?! Really huh?? I'm NOT CRAZY!!" She shouted in me.. WHAT?? She understand it!! I'm surprised by that.. But I turned back angrily only to see her with her shoe the other one is in front of me which she throw me earlier.. my right hand is in the back of my head I slightly massaged it caused it hurts so much... While my other hand is making a fist... I look at her throwing daggers.. "LALISA!!!!" I screamed out... She looked alarmed. Then she run away in me...

"Give it back to me!" We're in the side of the street, and I'm heading to the place were I parked my car..I'm walking quietly while on the other side Lisa here is so noisy, she's doing everything to get her one pair of shoe in me.. because until now I didn't have it to her, when we walked down earlier she's having a hard time not to get slipped since the land is wet because of the rain.. luckily the rain just stop a while ago but it doesn't change the fact that were wet and cold.."Jebal! Please! Give my shoe back!" She pleaded with her hands clasped together and pouted... "It's hard for me to walk! Look at my feet,,do you think this is the feet of a decent woman!Please have mercy!" She said like she's in a Korean Drama.. "who's car is that yours?" She asked me I just nodded my head as an answered.. "cool!" She exclaimed.. I turned,open the door and get inside my car "Jebal oppa!" I got startled because of her..I put my hand on my chest and the other one on my waist, I even bumped into the roof of the my car..,"how did you get there?" I asked her with disbelief "I get inside, duh!" She even rolled her eyes.. "that instant?!" I can't believe her she's very quick.. "ne!." She moved her head up and down... Is she human or not? Is she the child of flash?? Tsk!  I put my seat belt and I reminded her to put her seatbelt too, that she obliged willingly.. I maneuvered the engine and we drove off...


By the way guys, I just googled the Thai language that I wrote in this chapter.. I hope that the translation is correct...but anyways thank you Google...

How's this chapter going so far? HunLis moments💗
Stay tuned!!!! Anyeong!!

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