Chapter 19

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*Sehun's outfit..(photo not mine!link above)

I'm here waiting in front of the mall. Yes. Im waiting for someone and that someone is..Lisa..yes.. Lisa.. last night I invited her to go have lunch with me and thankfully she didn't decline my offer she even said that she really enjoy food especially when it's Free, I suddenly remembered her cute giggle. .. earlier I was about to pick her up but she texted me that we will just meet up in front of the mall since she have important thing to do first. So I drive her all alone. My phone beeped twice so I took it out from my pocket. I read the text from Lisa saying she's already here.. I smiled. "Where is she?..oh there" I uttered whilst searching for her and I saw her stepping out from the car. "Wow" I uttered amusedly, my jaw slightly dropped, I felt my world became slomo. Sounds cliché but it is.. really. Her perfect figure and Barbie like image .wow..she's really pretty I can't imagine someone who can be this pretty and beautiful just by wearing simple black long sleeve tucking in her jeans and her shoes.

she's really pretty I can't imagine someone who can be this pretty and beautiful just by wearing simple black long sleeve tucking in her jeans and her shoes

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(link due to copyright)

"Se? Hey!hello.. back to earth!.. Se?" I blink my eyes twice or thrice "ah hey." I uttered out of consciousness. "You look weird, are you okay?" Lisa asked me whilst staring at me confusedly. "Let's go?" She asked me to go inside the mall. I nodded my head as a response while scratching the back of my head. Upon stepping at the mall entrance lots of people were looking at us, well who wouldn't be? I have an angel walking beside me plus I'm so handsome that's why..huh. lots of self confidence huh. Some people who were looking at her smiled and waved at her she didn't ignore them and smiled back and waved back, her smile went even bigger when she saw a little kid walking beside her mother, the baby girl is around 2 years old..."she's so cute" Lisa adorably uttered. "Yeah" I agree but I am more referring to her "so, let's eat first?" She asked me "you haven't eat yet?" I asked with a frown. "No" she casually reply "why?" I aaked again, because its kinda bit late for lunch. She just shrugged her shoulders for an answer. I felt like she's hiding from me..Hmm..i just shook my thoughts away.."so let's go I'm hungry already". Then we head straight to the Filipino restaurant here inside the mall..."what do you want?" I asked her before I order our food for the both of us.."I want Mang Inasal," she said "unli rice" she continued half whisper "haha" I laughed at her cute gesture she just glared at me so I suppress my laugh..(imagine Blinks and Exo-Ls Lisa will eat at mang Inasal together with Sehun😅😊)
After I ordered we sit in the table for two. While waiting we chatted and were enjoying each other's company until our orders came up.. "yeeyyy! Here it is!"she excitedly clapped her hands like a kid. "okay let's eat" I said. "Yeah let's eat, galit galit muna" she said in Tagalog then we both started eating. "Yes, thank God in so full" she said after she drank the wfter, she's so adorable. "Ah Se?" "Yes?" Then she pouted her lips, looking straight to my eyes she motioned her lips like asking for a kiss. Her lips forwarded for a second time again. What? She's really asking for a kiss?? "Hmm.hmm" she motioned again... I grinned inwardly.."Kiss?" I asked her shyly, whilst looking at the other tables and there's a lot of people right now. "Lisa, what were you thinking?, We're on a public place..hehe" I said shyly and scratched the back of my head. "What?" She asked with a frown "and what kiss are you talking about?" Her eyebrows crinkled. "About this hmm.. hmm"😗😗 I mimicked her gesture earlier. ."what? Hahahaha" she burst into laughters, some of the people were looking at us were looking at her.."haha I can't believe you Se, I'm referring to the sauce that's in your the upper part of your lips. Ahaha" then she laughed again holding her stomach.. what? I instantly wiped my left lips..damn! Sehun why you misinterpret her. I really felt embarrassed, do you really expect that she will kiss you here. In public? And why she gonna do that? There's nothing between groaned inwardly.. I wiped again but there's non.."are you making fun of me Lisa? There's non" I asked her seriously and show her my clean hands.. I look at her with a blank expression.. she's trying to suppress her laugh and fake cough... "Here" she leaned forward towards me and reached for my right lips and wiped the portion... My heart beat stop I felt something in me that I can't really pinpoint..whats happening in me?? it normal?.. then unknowingly I hold her hand that's wiping my lips and we are now staring each other's eyes..i was about to pull and kiss her when I heard her fake cough and bite her lower lip.. then she pulled her hands away from me and she sat down.. I clear my throat twice and slightly pulled my jacket...

"Yeyyy. Yes! Yes!" Lisa jumped happily when I get the stuff toy inside the claw machine and yes we are inside the arcade .. I laughed happily too seeing her smile and laughters.. then I handed her the stuff toy, with a black and pink color.."thank you Se" she thanked me excitedly.. I flashed the handsome smile I ever had.. after we ate earlier, we decided to have fun here in the arcade we played video games, basketball, bowling and more and then this the claw machine... You know Lisa is good in playing, I ended up loser over her hehe...but it's okay, actually I didn't put much effort and I really want her to be the winner. Wehh? Really? Hahaha..)..

"Se, thank you again.. I really had fun today" she said with a bright smile.. "me too..thank you for your company, auh..its getting late, go inside" I told her, "okay" she nods "I'll go now" I told her and I'm about to turn around when I felt a hand stopping me and hold me in my arms.. "Se?" I heard her called me "hmm?" I turned to face her.. then suddenly she tiptoed and kiss me in my cheecks.."bye" she said quickly and run inside to their gate.. I chuckled in her action..she's so cute..I touched my face where she kissed me..and I kissed my hand heheezzz😊..then I drove off..

Hello there!💘💘 Im back again.. thank U for reading..

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