Chapter 18

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Sehun's POV

"Shh! Stop it, stop crying hey" I softly utter and cupped her face. "I'm sorry, if it's not because of me you'll never got hurt" she uttered while crying.." I said it's okay, they deserve that, they're bullsh!t" "and besides I don't know what to do if they do something wrong on you, thank God that you're okay" I added and hugged her tight.

"Se, thank you again " She said.  Where here in front of their house I decided to drove her home after what happened.. I nodded my head "be more careful next time okay?" I reminded her..then she shook her head up and down.. I was about to leave when she suddenly hold my hand "auhm Se? About what happened earlier  .. auhm .can you promise that no one will know about it.. I don't want to make them worried about me.." she said while her eyes pleading in me.. I just nodded my head and tapped her head softly.  My body stiffen when she suddenly wrapped her arms around me hugging me.. "thank you Se, I thought you're bad now I'm wrong, hehe" then she giggled while hugging me.. "ahem*" I fake coughed and slightly pulled her off. "Go now" I motioned her to enter the gate.. sh smiled "bye" then she turned her back at me and enter the gate.. "haish!" I heaved a sigh.. I get in my car and a smile broke in my lips and drove off.

It was 11 in the evening and still I can't sleep, im still thinking about what happened earlier, that two son of a b!tch! Screw them.  I'll make sure they will be punished! I called my dad's connection and let them do what's right for that bullsh!ts..
I'm wondering what is Lisa's doing right now. I mean if she's already asleep or not, what if she's trauma right now, what if. I have lots of what if's in my head.. aish.. I know I have something for Lisa but I don't know what is it.. I decided to dialed her number "Hello?" I asked after a couple of rings. "Hello?" She asked in the other line "auhm..did I disturb you?" I asked I don't know why I'm nervous.. "ah.. honestly nope" she replied..I heaved a deep sigh "how are you? I mean.." before I could finish my sentence she interrupted me "Se I'm okay. I'm strong hehe" she said reassuringly "but honestly Se I'm still thinking what happened earlier, if it's not because of you maybe they do horrible things to me and worst is I'm dead now." She uttered sadly in the other line. That makes my heart thump loudly.."Lisa don't say that, okay, the important is your safe now" I said as I sit in the couch inside my room "yeah, and that's because of you, thank you Se" she thanked me again "your always welcome" I answered her..
We talked and talked, really enjoying each company until we didn't notice the time. It's already  1 am, I didn't imagine that I could stay this long just talking someone in phone, because usually I hate talking in phone and but now I really enjoyed it..I don't know why seems that the time is too fast. "Auhm Se, it's 1 am it's too late already, we still have a class tomorrow" she reminded me "oh..yeah..auhm..okay" then I chuckled.. "haha" I laughed while scratching the back of my head "bye" she said "bye,... sweet dreams" I don't know if she heard the last two words because she already ended the call.. I sighed then smiled inwardly still thinking her bright smile... zzZzzzzzzzzzzzZzz..😴

Lisa's POV

I don't know why but talking to Sehun feels so right, I mean I don't feel any awkwardness towards him after what happened..after he saved me...
I feel comfortable towards him.. and after talking to him last night I quickly fell asleep, honestly I slept peacefully last night..

Now I'm a bit late in my first subject, it's okay cause we don't have something important to do in school so it's okay.. when I'm walking in the corridor of our school I heard someone say 'kookie' I don't know if it's really 'kookie' or 'cookie' but one thing is for sure I remember him. I remembered Kookie my first love.. he's a nice guy, tall and handsome, well he's cute too... Aish!!! Stop it Lisa! Stop thinking him anymore..."Lisa?" "Hey Lisa" someone called me from behind..I turned to find out who called me.. my lips broke a smile upon seeing him. "Se, your late" I told him chuckling "wow ha, haha," he chuckled "how are you?" He asked me while checking me out if I'm okay "Se, I'm okay thank you again, I owe you a lot" I thanked him again "haish! Stop thanking me okay, and besides if other guy who caught you in that state for sure he will help you too" he uttered while his hands in his pockets. "But it's you, who caught those bastards and it's you who helped me.." I smiled at him "thank-" I was about to say thank you again when he stopped me by putting his fingers in my soft lips. My eyes went bigger as I hold my breath I didn't expect that "hey! Your hands" I tapped his hands away from my lips but he just laughed at me. "get moving we still have a class to attend tsk" I glared at him because he was laughing out loud. Then I walk fast ahead in him.

I enter first in our room followed by Sehun and thankfully there's no Prof inside smiled went wider even more.yes!..but the eyes of our classmates were looking at us questioningly but I ignored it and so as Sehun too, he walked straight to his seat..."Oh Lisayah you're late again." Jichu talked to me "what's new haha" I glared to Rosé but Chu and her just laughed at me. Then I sit between   Rosé and Jennie.."hey Jennie I miss you" I told her then kiss her in the cheeks..i miss my mandu😍😘.. "I miss you too boo" she told me then hugged me..My day was like a typical day for me nothing happened special hehe..I didn't told them, Jennie, Rosé and Jisoo what happened yesterday because I don't want them to worry about me, besides I'm okay now.. we're on our way to home we're just using one car actually it's Jisoo's car but Jennie is the one who's driving it now, earlier Unnie Chu said that she's tired of driving so she asked us who is willing to drive Rosé raised her hand first representing her self to drive upon hearing that Jennie took the key from Jisoo she said she don't want to ride a car if Rosé will be the one to drive she said also that she don't want to die early hehe.. Rosé pouted at her, we, Jisoo and I laughed at them. Besides Rosé can't drive because her driver's license is still in the process because the cops get it when they caught Rosé driving above the speed limit and the worst is she's drunk that time..tsk tsk..she was put in the detention center, thankfully Chanyeol help her and paid all her bails because of her violations.. she even got a warning in the cops.. "hey Lisa! Down to earth, yohoo!" Rosé suddenly popped up in my face and waved her hands "what?" I asked her with a furrowed eyebrows "you're phone is ringing" she said then giggled softly I took my phone and check who it was its Sehun asking if I'm home already I texted back and replied not yet..then I put back my phone in my bag.. then I remembered that I have chocolates in the pocket of my bag and brought it out.."who want some?" I asked Jennie and Jisooyah and handed them the chocolate "thank you Lisa" Chu thanked me, she's in the passengers seat "give me too" Jennie said but still looking and focusing in the way.. Jisoo opened one and feed her.. aish..I must be the one who's doing that! I summoned but I keep that in my mind tho. "Hey Chaeng you-" I didn't finished what I was about to utter when I saw her eating already and the chocolate that I was handling is now in her hands and greedy mouth.."yes I want more..can I?" Then she chuckled, WteF! "Sorry but no more" I glared at her naughtily..then she pouted haha.. "I'm hungry" she uttered "you're always hungry" Jennie commented then we both laughed at her "Chaeng I have food here" I teased her "jinja?" She asked full of excitement "yeah" I nodded and smiled at her. She opened her palms and she look at me asking for her food. Haha.  "here, Avocado flavor" I handed her the biscuit an avocado flavor but she quickly pulled her hands and say "NO!" then we both laughed at her disgust reaction, we know that she don't like avocado and she hates it..


Hey BLINKS and Exo-L😘👊
It's been a while since I updated this story and story for the delays and not updating  frequently.. I just want to say thank U for reading this story and those persons who leaved a comment and votes in the previous chapters thank you💗 I really really really appreciate it💗💗.

I thought no one is reading it but I'm wrong there's a few hehe..

Thank you again💗

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