Chapter 1

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EXO S. POV (the writer)

'Who are you? 'Upon hearing that in her, it makes my heart explode like a bomb. I want to take another step, but my body becomes numb. 'I said, Who are you? ' She asked again, a bit irritated. I don't know how to answer her question. I'm so stupid!. 'Do you know where's Kookie? I really missed him. I want to see him. Do you know that I loved him very much? ' I can't find words to say. I don't know how to react. I want to say that I'm his boyfriend, but there's a sudden lump on my throat preventing me from saying those words: "Please, Iwant my boyfriend now!" She begged at me. I really see longing in her eyes. I'm such a masochist! I can't handle it anymore. I walk out and run as fast as I can.'....

Haissh! I'm here, sitting on my study table, writing a love story. I need to finish it soon because I was paid for it. I also write poems about love, and some of them are now at the national book store. I'm so happy that at last my works have already been published and appreciated by lots of people. I don't know what's the title of this story I'm writing yet, but it's very close to my heart.

 It was dimmed, I'm just using the small lamp or steady light, enough for me to write. I put down my pen, I heaved a sigh, then I took off my glasses and massaged the bridge of my nose. I was about to get my water on top of my table when the light in my room lit. It was so bright! My eyes hurt a bit. "Ah, sorry, I don't know that you're here!" Kai said apologetically. "It's ok." I replied shortly.

 I want to sleep; I'm so tired. Maybe I will just finish this story tomorrow or the other day; beside, I'm nearing the end already. "Hyung want to join us?" By the way, Kai is my friend; actually, we're 12 best friends; we call ourselves EXO; they are my close friends since we're in elementary school and we trust each other; they like my brother and a family to me. "Where?" I asked in a bored tone. 

They know that I like to be alone and use my cold expression sometimes, but they know me well and are already used to it. "Party! It's Luhan's birthday, right?" Haissh! I forgot! How can I? I know that if I didn't come, Luhan would be mad at me, and I don't want that to happen. Even though I want to sleep right now, I decided to come with Kai and go to Luhan's place. I don't have presents for him. ..

"I thought we were going to Luhan's place?" I asked Kai with creased eyebrows. "I don't say that we were going to his place." Kai answered, matter of fact, You want to know where we are? We're at the Exo Bar; it's ours, and Lay and Chen managed it a lot because some of us are busy in our fields, so yeah. This bar is high-profile and has high security. Lots of rich people and celebrities came to her often. We don't have a guard at the entrance door; just swipe your card; it is your access to enter our bar, and it is also one way to know who the people are entering our bar. 

Kai and I headed to the VIP area. They are all here, wow! Tao, Chen, D.O. Chanyeol, Suho, Lay, Baekhyun, Kris, Xiumin, Kai, Me, and of course the birthday boy Luhan.Glad you came! S., I really miss you!" Aishh.Yeah! Lulu, I miss you too!! I don't have a gift for you, Mianhae." I uttered, "Aish! It's okay, your presence is more important to me." Then we both hugged each other, "Aish!HunHan moments again!" They all all said, they are just jealous.

The celebration started, and we both sang a happy birthday to Luhan, and we gave wishes for him as well. We also drank one of his expensive wines, and for the information of everybody, I'm sure all the people in this bar will go drunk without wasting money on their drinks because all of the alcohols and drinks are for free! yes! It's free because it's Luhan's birthday. He's so kind, right? That's why I love him😊..

We decided to go down and hang out with other people at the bar. We're right to put Lay and Chen as the owners and head managers of this business of ours. They managed it well. Wow! There are lots of people in here; we will have a lot of income for this night." Xiumin exclaimed happily. 

Haiishh! You forgot that it was for free, Luhan treat! Remember? D.O. said sarcastically. "Aish! I forgot!" Then Xiumin tapped his head... We decided to go to the counter, then the waiter greeted us. "S. I heard that you're making another story again?" Luhan asked me, "Yeah, I'm already finishing it, but I have a problem." I uttered, "What's your problem?" Kai joined our conversation. I took my glass and shot the liquor. I don't have a title yet." I answered honestly. "What's the plot of your story, by the way?" Kai asked me. "Auhm, it's more on in the guys perspective, and he's still reminiscing about his love back in college, remembering the past, you know." I said, then heaved a sigh.

 They just motioned their heads up and down. "A Love from the Past!!" Chanyeol and Baekhyun abruptly said in chorus. Haissh! We both got startled by them. "Haissh! You two startled us!!" Chen exclaimed, putting his hands on his chest. But what's that again? A love from... "What's that again, Hyung?" I asked interestedly. 

"A love from the past!" They said it again in unison. Sometimes Chanyeol gets jealous every time Baekhyun is not with him,and vice versa, they always have special care for each other. ChanBaek moments.. But anyways, A Love from the Past?? Doesn't bad...that's it, I have a title finally!!

 "Hyung! I owe you a lot! Thank you so much! You two such have a smart mind! I take that as the title of my new story and the title of the film also!" I exclaimed happily. Then I walked to them and hugged them so tight. "It's ok! We can't breathe," Chanyeol said out of breath, "but Hyung, you need to pay us; we are the ones who thought that title!" Baekhyun said like there's a dollar sign in his eyes,so cute!! "Aish! You look like money, Hyung!" D.O commented him. We all both laughed at Kyungsoo's statement. Baek just glared at him. "Ah! Don't glare at him! You want to be hit!" Kai defended Kyungsoo. 

"Are you ok?" Kai asked him, then D.O hugged him and shook his head as a no. "Haha, stop that! Such a gay!" Then we both laughed all..(yeah, they're gay as in BAKLA, no! They actually BABAE!) "Hyung, I want to say that I put you all as the characters of my story; it's ok with you?" I just asked them, besides, they don't have a choice but to say yes. Haha, "haiish, we don't have a choice; besides, you already wrote that, eh?" Xiumin clucked his tongue, then they all shook their heads.

The party was going smoothly; all people were here to have fun, except a girl in the corner of the bar. She's all alone; she wears a black jacket and a black cap. I can't clearly see her face; I don't know her, but she looks familiar. There's a feeling inside me that's telling me that I really know her, and I want to... What are you doing?? .. I said to myself... She's maybe like a random girl who goes here!! 

Then I turned my attention to Suho, who was approaching us. What's with that face? He was pissed off and annoyed. "Suho, what's your problem?" I asked him, but he ignored me. Instead, he took my glass and chugged it down. "What's with that face? Haha," he glared at me. "I met a very annoying girl just a while ago. Tsk." He was really pissed. Who do you think she is? She's nothing but a nerd," Suho said irritatedly. Hot nerd! Suho, can't you see she's so hot?" Chen said while grinning. 

"Why? What happened?" I asked again.There's a woman there; while I'm dancing, I accidentally hit her." He paused. "Her? Her what? "I asked again. There's something bad that happened, I think, haha! "Her..her butt..aish! I don't want to remember her! "He uttered it irritatedly. Then?" I asked him again because I find it interesting; it's my first time to see Suho this irritated and pissed. "Then the hot nerd slapped his face so hard...ouch!" Chen continued the story, haha, and even teased Suho more. "I said shut up! Aish!" He shouted and shrugged his hair, but since the music was too loud, no one heard him except me and Chen. I like that girl they talk about, huh? I mean, she's the only girl who did that to Suho. Nice one, haha.

I look back again in the direction where the girl I was staring at a while ago was, but to my surprise, she's not there anymore. Where did she go? Haissh S.: Why do you care? I took my glass and shot the remaining alcohol, then excused myself to go to the men's room.


Hi everyone! I hope you enjoy the first chapter of the story.
.. ChanBaek.. KaiSoo.. HunHan..and many more soon..✌💘✌..

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