Chapter 6

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Sehun's POV

After lunched, we decided to go to our practice room, and we called it as EXO's hide out... We stayed their for a while and take a little nap but I can't sleep I don't know why so I just get the guitar and played it, 'Perfect by Ed Sheeran' I was playing, I'm playing it with feelings while I'm closing my eyes to feel more the song and Im in a middle of the song when suddenly a beautiful face popped out, She's looking at me angelically, I smiled at her too, I was got stunned of her beauty...I was about to say something when "bogshh! Tugs! Tugs!" I heard the drums, I got startled at first but that's for a while, it was Chen! "Oh! Sorry Se! I forgot that it was connected to the speaker.. mianhae!" He apologized "it's okay!" I said ...I put the guitar on the side.."you played a guitar well huh!" He complemented me.."yah! And your voice was good too! " Kai said too.."and I heard him rapped earlier!" Xiumin told them, when did he heard me? "Yeah! I know that! Sehun is a complete package!!" Luhan exclaimed...we heard the buzzer's already time for the first subject in the we marched out and go to our classroom... We kind of a little late, 5 minutes late precisely, "your late again!" The person in front scolded us.. we both hold our steps back.. "haha! Your face was so priceless!! Haha!" Then our classmates all laughed because of her, we thought that it was our teacher but no it's still Jisoo who wants to be a teacher for a while haha! I don't know why she's fanned of seating in teachers table...we just shake our heads side by side and others just tsk! But "do you think it's funny!" Suho glared at her ,but instead of answering she just pout her lips and shook her head up and down, she look innocent even it is obvious that she's teasing Suho.."haissh!" I heard Suho growned in frustration... Did I already told you that Jisoo is my bestfriend? Ah yeah, she's my bestfriend hehe..."Sehun!" She called me "what?" I asked her pleasantly "ahm did you finished the poem you were talking about last night?" She asked me, last night I told her the poem I was going to make her read it and I want to get her opinion too,well we have something in common, she knows how to right poems too but she didn't have interest at all,  and even recite a couple of rhyming words without noticing that it was already a poem, she knows how to spoken poetry on the spot! Can you believe it! Her so intelligent,, but she didn't want to believe it, she's humble too, she will always prioritize other than her self..! "Ahm! Yeah! Here don't lost it huh!" I warned her because the last time she borrowed it she misplaced it and  almost lost it... "Omo! Promise! I'll take care of it!" She raised her right hand..then I hand it to her..haissh! The fudge..she just left me without saying thank you or something...she's really my bestfriend..then she go back to her seat and out her glasses on and started reading I don't know what's the purpose of her glasses the last time I check she don't have a sight problem.. haissh... shes innocent yet dangerous...

Lisa's POV

I was staring at Jisoo who's now busy reading..I'm just wondering what is it, since she's so concentrating on it "hey what was that?" I asked her and called for her attention "it's a book!" She said without looking at me... haissh.. seriously!! "I know it's a book..but what are you reading?" I asked her again hoping that I can get a right answer... "Shh!! Im reading,!" She said still her attention on the book "Ji-" my sentence cut off when she look at me and put her fingers on my lips for shutting me up.."Lisa..come here I'll show you something!" Rosé excitedly called me, "yes!?" I answered her.."look!" Then she showed me her writings on her notebook "what was that?" I asked her with a 'are you serious  look'.. "it's a drawing! Of course!" She said.. honestly I can't explain her drawing.. I don't know what it was..I can't even called it as an abstract.."I thought it was a Vandal Haha!" That's the cue I cant hold back my laughter anymore.."let me see it!" Jennie get her notebook and saw the drawing..then "Rosé it's not that bad.." she tap Rosé's head "really?" Rosé got the spirit again, seriously? "Yeah, it's not bad cause it's very bad! Haha,!!" Jennie teased her poor Rosé...she glared at us..while mumbling something "only great minds can appreciate my drawing! It's an abstract!" She uttered.."abstract? Where?" Jisoo butt in..she just finished reading.."yahh! Just read!" Rosé exclaimed.. and put her drawing on her bag..and cross her arms across her chest....haissh....

Where now on the stairs and were going home now.. oh where's my phone? My phone is not in my pocket I look it inside my bag but still it wasn't there.. where's my phone!?? Wait? Where did I exactly put it? Then  I remembered something.."guys I will go back, I left my phone.." I told them "so?" Rosé who's still not in the mood because we laughed on her drawing "Chaeyoung!" Jisoo warned at her .."we will wait you here." Jennie told me.."okay, I'll be right back!" Then I walked quickly I almost half run..I entered our classroom there's only me in the room since my classmates were in outside already but there bags are on here...I left it in my chair "there you are!" I exclaimed and heaved a sigh..haissh! I thought I will buy new one...I was about to go out when I saw something under the chair the chair was in a back area, so I headed straight to the chair and bow down to reached the book under the chair, it's a bookbinder and I'm curious what was I take and opened it.."hmm stories and poems" I was all hand written...I don't want to leave the book here so I put it in my bag and I will bring it tomorrow to gave it to the owner...I walk straight to the door and dialed Jennie's number, without looking at my way, I unknowingly bumped into a hard wall..a wall? When did they built a wall in here?..and because of that I accidentally dropped off my phone to the ground, I drop down without looking at the guy I had bumped, and I was about to pick up the phone when a hand suddenly and accidentally put his left hand above my right hand. My heart skipped a bit, I slowly lift my head up and our eyes meet. He was so handsome, we're looking in each other, his eyes, the way he looks at me,his deep and piercing eyes were like penetrating deep through my heart and soul, the moment were so magical, I I can't explain.. and his familiar..
Our moment were cut off because of my phone, it vibrates.. *bzz..bzz* (poor sound vibration hehe) I picked my phone and suddenly got up but he got up too, thats why we bumped again but this time my head bumped into his forehead or nose? I don't know.."aish.. mianhae! Sorry I didn't mean it?" I mumbled while feeling sorry and biting my lip unknowingly..."aish!!my nose!" He uttered in displeasure, 'im long legs Lisa' hehe.. but his more way taller than me.."sorry sorry,!!" I apologized again.."are you okay?" I added again.. "Do you think I'm okay?!!" Im startled a bit and I don't expect that he will hissed at me..what's his problem? I already say my sorry!!.. "I told you, I'm  sorry right?!" I said, "sorry? Do you think your sorry will stop my nose from bleeding!!" He hissed at me again..I saw that it was bleeding, and his cupping his nose..what to do Lisa??! I panicked I hate blood! I hurriedly took my hanky in my back pocket and hand it to him, he get it from my hand harshly..psh! Such an arrogant man..tsk! "Huh! Thank you.." I said sarcastically but he just glared at me.. haissh this man didn't know how to say a simple thank you..."Go!" He motioned me to leave.. what the fudge!! Is he want me to leave him like that I mean I want to take responsibility because it's my fault after all "but,, your nose still bleeding and I want to take responsi-" before I could finished what I want to say he cut my sentence.."I said just leave!!" I gulped inaudibly because of his thunderous voice "okay I leave, if that's what you want,!!" I turn my back to him, his so annoying! I'm being good in here but he just shoo me away, before I leave I turn my head again to face him "serves you right!! Huh!" I glared at him..and go.."oh! What happened?" Jisoo asked me the moment I reached them "nothing! I just met a very mean and annoying man a while ago!!" I said then put my arms across my chest.."where?" Rosé asked while Jennie stayed quiet.."un our room!" I said through gritted teeth.."you know him?" Jisoo asked again "NO!" I replied "well that's enough! Let's go!" Jennie butt in "yeah! Lets go home." Rosé second demotion.. aish his such an annoying jerk, the meanest and handsome man I've met.. argh!! Wait what? Did I say that his handsome?? No way!!! Let me rephrase it..his a very annoying and meanest man I've ever met in my whole life!. That's it!!  if he thinks that I will bow down to him.. well..NO! Never!! "Arghhh!!"  I groaned in frustration!! "Haha Lisa forget about it.." Jennie laughed at me, "haha Lisa? You point him to me tomorrow huh!" Rosé said .. haissh.."what if were classmates Lisa what will you do?" Jisoo asked me too... honestly I don't know what to do? "Don't know..aish can you please stop throwing questions at me!" I said and even glared at them but they just laughed out loud.."haha, Don't know what to do? I said don't know what to do without you...oh..oh.wohhh..ohhhhh!!" They even sung a song to teased me more...why I have friends like them??..aha! I kissed them on the cheeks one by one and I'm right they stop from laughing and look surprise from what I did! They even groaned softly..Haha.."argh! Haissh!!" They all uttered...and I run, Haha I get even...I love my hunnie's..


Ahem,*! Another chapter guys..
So what can you say about their first encounter? Is it bad or good?
Hope you enjoy this chapter!
🎼Don't know what to do ohohowohoh!!!🎼 Love that song!!.hehe... saranghaeyo..💗💘💗

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