Chapter 24

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Sehun's POV

Today is the day of our flight back to Philippines. We had so much fun in Korea and we bought some presents to our friends here in Philippines.. ✈✈✈

Now we're here at NAIA.
"Se, where's the van?" Kai asked while pulling Jennie's luggage. "Ahm, there's a problem the van is not in good condition" I hesitantly answered him as I slid my phone in my pocket.. "don't worry guys I'll just take a grab-" Suho cut me off "No need hun, I already texted our driver to pick us up" he said.. "ahh the rich Suho again Haha" while clapping his hands "Thank you Eomma Suho" Beak entered.. we just laugh at him while Suho just grinning..

We ate dinner first at nearby restaurant before going back home.We drop the girls in their houses and of course bid them goodbye.
I texted Lisa as soon I sat on the couch. "I'm already home babe, I love you❤" I sent the message.. my phone beeped "good, love you too ❤" I smile automatically as I read her reply.. *Ha how you like that tararat tarararararat* her new ringtone maybe. It's good it's upbeat.. "new ringtone ha" I said on the other line "yeah, how you like that?" She asked me and I'm pretty sure she's grinning wide. "I like it, I love it I love you" I heard her chuckled "ha?" She asked laughing "I-" "HAKDOG!" She cut me off then laughed so hard "HAHA" "waw" I said in a monotone.. "Haha Se I'm going to rest I'm so sleepy" I heard her yawn hehe she's maybe really sleepy "okay, have some rest Baby, I love you GoodNyt" I said "GNyt Se, Saranghae" and then she ended up the call...

It was Saturday and Lisa and I we're strolling around the park.. "oh ice cream!" She exclaimed like a kid haha so cute "you want some-" I asked her "yes!" While nodding "of my ice cream?" I kid "SE!!!" She slap my arm "ouch!" I acted hurt.. and then I go to the ice cream cart and buy her chocolate flavor. "Here's your ice cream love" and handed her the ice cream "are you sure it's not your ice cream?" She asked with a smirk. Oh I guessed shes kidding back " why you want my ice cream?" I asked back. "Of course" then she licked it... that make my jaw drop.. that's not the answer I'm expecting and I'm not expecting her to lick that ice cream hotly! Oh my god.. I need water!!!. "HAHAHAHA!" She laugh.. "look at your face it's priceless" "Sehun a piece of advice don't me" she added.. "okay okay" I don't know what to say..woah Haha...

We're in the side of the street, and we waited for the car to pass by.. I hold her hand like it was my last time.. we cross the street holding hands while half running.. "hurry" then she giggled.. we finally cross the other side of the street.. "meow " we heard the kitten and we look back, it's in the middle of the street.. I think it's injured. "Se wait, I'll just go get the kitten" she said "but Lis-" I hesitate "but Se" she puppy dog eyes.. I sighed "okay okay, I'll get it" "Let me!" She stopped me and walk in the middle of the street happily.. she really love cats.. I bet she's going to rescue this one.. "Meow" "it's okay cutie" I heard her talk while lifting up the cat.. *BEEPPppp!!" The loud crunching sound of the car approaching.. my body went numb I can't move, I can't hear anything I don't know what's going on! I don't know! My mind can't process what just f*cking happened! All I can hear is my heart thumping so loud and fast.. I suddenly felt nervous and my tear falling down "Lis" I whispered in shock.. I can't breathe! Sehun What the f*ck get back to your senses!!!! I'm a f*cking coward! I saw people encircling around the car and and... And my Lisa lying unconscious.. she's still hugging the cat and protecting it.."meow meow meow" I heard the cat like it's  crying for help, thanks to the cat it brought my senses back!  oh God! I run towards her and hold her making her head in my lap to support her. "Lis wake up! Lis..Lisa was up, love" I cried afraid of anything that could happen.. the cat didn't move she's right there beside watching us and making soft sounds " Lisa baby?? Hey don't leave me!! Wake up! Someone call the f*xking ambulance please!!" I shouted soon as possible the ambulance came.. I don't know what to do!? Sh!T holy sh!T .. it didn't sink in in my mind all I know is Lisa is in danger!as soon as Lisa is in the ambulance I was about to follow to but I heard the injured cat so I go back and get her.. then entered the ambulance.. I'm praying in every saints that I know to help Lisa, pls I hope she's okay..
We're now in the nearest hospital and Lisa was delivered in emergency room.. "Se what happened?" Chanyeol, Suho and Kai came.. "I .. I I don't know, its my fault huhu" I stuttered that's it I broke.. it hurts so much.. "Se it's not your fault, Lisa is a fighter she'll be okay" Suho comfort me.. "I hope so Hyung" "it's okay," "don't blame your self Sehun, okay?" Kai and Chanyeol console me.. thank God they come here after I texted them, others can't come because of their important matters.. and I understand that.. and Im pretty sure that Jennie, Rosé and Jisoo are now heading here, guess that I need to prepare because they're going to get mad at me for not taking care of their sister especially Jennie, but j don't mind at all, my concern now is love..

"Hey what happened?"  Jisoo asked "where's Lisa?" Chaeng added... "what happened Sehun??!"Jennie who is ready to eat me she's mad, worried and afraid at the same time, I feel her.. I don't know who's question I'm going to answer first! "Hey girls calm down" Chanyeol said "Jen calm down" Kai said to her girlfriend "Calm down? Kai Seriously? How can we, how can I calm down? Were in fact Lisa is in danger??!!" Jennie blurted out "babe okay" Kai just nodded in understanding..

"I hope Lisa is okay" Chaeng started to cry.. "shh, Chaeng she'll be okay" Chanyeol hugged her..
"Se? What happened? Where's Lisa?" Jisoo asked me calmly but of course she's worried too.. I owe them an explanation.. I just can't stand here and cry in front of them.. "I'm sorry" I started my tears falling again.. "she's in the emergency room right now' I'm really sorry huhu, earlier we saw a cat in the middle of the street and then she go back and get it but the car hit her... Huhu i don't know what to do.. I'm afraid.. " I sat down in the chair and cried. Suho Hyung tapped my shoulder.. Jisoo secretly wiped her tears, Jennie is now crying too, "is that the cat? She save earlier?" Rosé asked me while pointing under the seat.. we look at it then saw a cat there.. "y-yes" I stand up and get it "she's injured too, her one leg broke" I said "oh, Lisa is such a sweet girl, I'm afraid huhu" Jennie cried again. "It's okay babe enough crying okay" Kai comforted her.. "meow meow" "guys excuse me, I'll go buy some coffee and Sehun give me the cat I'll drop her in the vet to be check up."Suho Hyung said.. I'll just nodded and give the cat to him.. "wait I'll go with you" Jisoo said and then they walk out..
Hope that Lisa is safe.. please God... I love her so much, not now please i don't want to loose her..please...


Okay guys..what will happen next after the incident? I don't know too..hehe
Thank you for reading!❤

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