23 :告白するKokuhaku suru

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Neji and Sakura were currently trying to bring down Kakashi, with not much avail, the ex-ANBU had always been a strong individual, taking him down would not be an easy feat.

Sakura could hear Neji grunt out loud when he was injured by Kakashi's katon gyuukaku no -jutsu. Despite being equally strong himself, Neji had been losing too much chakra from his daily night visions. His pace and attacks were not as sharp as it usually was.

"If we live through this, I am going to burn his prized books." Neji muttered as he evaded a mud wall that came out of nowhere. Neji could see that Sakura was gaining Kakashi's attention now with her taijutsu's advances. That was when it happened, Kakashi's chakra turned erratic, he was gaining consciousness momentarily. "Haruno, NOW!"

Sakura wasted no time and went straight towards the silver haired nin. "Sensei!" Sakura yelled, this earned her a daze look from Kakashi. "Too slow!" Sakura ran as fast as lightning and punched Kakashi squarely on his visible eye.

Kakashi staggered backwards as he received the blow, instead of stopping, Sakura continued to throw several physical assaults onto him, Kakashi barely had time to evade as he was unable to see her clearly with his swollen eye. He had to block all of her offences by shielding himself with his hands.

"Is that all you got old man?! How the hell are you supposed to hit me if you can't SEE me?!" Sakura yelled at the top of her lungs.

What she said had possibly hit a nerve, Kakashi had finally snapped as he pulled up his hitae-ate to reveal his sharingan. The sharingan whirled in anger as it locked itself onto Sakura. Instead of attacking her though, Kakashi stopped. What he saw through his sharingan was not of the illusion that Hiroko had planted on him, he could see a blurry view of Sakura standing right before him.

"S-Sakura?" Kakashi spoke uncertainly.

"No babe. I am Sakura." The voice in Kakashi's head spoke. "THAT isn't me."

Kakashi was now confused, which would he trust? His mind or his eyes? In the midst of the confusion, Kakashi knelt down, his hands were now grabbing onto his head, he was beginning to feel different, like something was taking over his body. The voice in his head was getting louder, but his sharingan was trying to deflect it.

Kakashi looked up at her from his kneeling form. He was watching her from his sharingan and he spoke, "Sakura. I don't think I can make it. I am sorry." Kakashi fell face forwards as he writhed his entire body in pain.

"HARUNO!" Neji yelled urgently, "He is trying to use his sharingan to stop it, but it doesn't seem to be working. The potion is starting to take its full effect, I can see it spreading to his vitals.."

Sakura wasted no time at all, she took out her medical kit and used her Delicate Illness Extraction Technique to extract the potion out of Kakashi's weak body. Unlike Kankurou's she extracts the potion from a wider portion of Kakashi's body.

"Neji, guide me." Sakura ordered the Hyuuga prodigy.

"Abdomen. Most of it are still there." Neji replied as he viewed the contents of the potion using his byakugan.

Sakura cautiously but quickly continued her task on her patient. This went on for about 15 more minutes before a sweaty Sakura exclaimed, "It's all out."

Neji nodded in agreement. He waited for Kakashi to come along, although he was not certain Kakashi might wake. Neji saw what the potion did to the silver-nin's body. It literally consumed him, the potion managed to transform Kakashi's heart into a still object; like a puppet's. Neji had a feeling that this could be the end for him. Neji could not take it, he looked away from the duo.

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