3 : うっとりさせる Uttori sa seru

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"You look tired Sakura-Chan. Go on and have your break." Kakashi urged the pinkette, Kakashi looked quite calm with his Icha-Icha book in one hand.

"Fat chance, Sensei." Sakura mused, one hand was holding a book open: "Nanny McPhee's Guide : Babysitting a Monster"

Kakashi sighed, Sakura had used a chakra wire to lock their hands together. It was clever, they would be literally stuck to each other until Kakashi recovers.

"I need to pee." Kakashi spoke, wishing he could get rid of his female student already. He needed some space away from her.

Seeing Sakura again after an entire year was not a pleasant predicament for him. He was still wondering how anyone could be breathtakingly beautiful in a span of a year. She used to be slightly chubbier. What with all those binge eating from crying over the last Uchihaa's untimely departure, but now all those excess weight were gone. Her body now looks leaner, healthier. Her once short hair was now flowing lusciously to her waist. Her skin
was almost translucent , thin and without any discernible pigmentation from the sun- dewy and supple. But amongst all of those delectable qualities; Kakashi found her eyes to be most appealing.

Emerald eyes which were more than plain old green. A colour that brings the earth back to life after a ruthless cold. The green that enlivens flowers from the harsh conditions of winter. The same eyes however, spark a certain sadness which managed to pull Kakashi's heartstrings.
Despite the fact that she had beautiful eyes, they looked void of any positive emotions, a deep sadness filled her eyes.

Kakashi hated that. How could someone so precious, hold that within her? Kakashi felt torn in between being mesmerised and depressed at the sight of her. He resented this feeling. That was another reason why he found it highly uncomfortable to be in the same room with her. She confuses him. This made him felt AFRAID of HER.

Hatake Kakashi- master of a thousand jutsu; should not be CONFUSED by an ex-student. Kakashi had always been outstanding in his impeccable strength and supreme leadership capabilities as a former ANBU captain. A person who was regarded highly by the previous and current hokage, should not be felt inferior to a normal being.

Sakura sighed as she gestured Kakashi to stand, he did so happily but frowned when he saw her shifting herself up as well.

"You are not serious are you?" Kakashi deadpanned. "You are going to follow me to the BATHROOM?"

Sakura shrugged, "Shishio's orders, Sensei. Now, I believe the way to the gents is to the left, right?" Sakura asked him quietly.

Sakura guided Kakashi who had to tag his dumb IV pole along with him. Sakura stood right next to the urinal and faced him as he tried to pee.

"Can an old man get a little privacy here Princess?" Kakashi grumbled.

"No. You would create a bunshin of yourself, attach its wrist with my chakra wire and flee." Sakura responded coldly.

Kakashi gasped dramatically and clutched his chest before he exclaimed, "I would NEVER."

"Can it, Sensei. Just pee already. It's not like I haven't seen you naked before." Sakura remarked snarkily.

If Kakashi was surprised, he did not show it. He was trying his best to forget that embarrassing ordeal and here she was talking about it ever so casually, he had to say something to make it seem like he was not even affected by it.

"Y-yeah.. Can't believe you remember that.." Kakashi mused as he held the nape of his neck while simultaneously peeing at the same time. "..Lots of ladies find it hard to forget me whenever they see me naked."

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