12 : 綺麗な Kireina

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"Yo, Kakashi." Asuma's deep voice bellowed through the narrow hospital corridors.

Kakashi was having a chat with the beautiful blurry intern- Hiroko before Sakura interrupted them and instructed Kakashi on how to consume the medications given. This went on until Asuma decided to yell for Kakashi's undying attention from across the corridors.

"Can I PLEASE explain this mundane list of items prior to my patient's hospital discharge before ANYONE interrupts me?!" Sakura exclaimed hotly.

"Well, you DID interrupt Aoyama-San though.." Kakashi started but paused when Sakura flared at him, "...because you were doing your job as the head of medic very well.. Carry on.." Kakashi sweat dropped. He would not want to anger her and have her send him back to the hospital.

"As I was SAYING.." Sakura started, "..you need to take the painkiller capsules every 4 hours, 3 times a day. Take as in CONSUME them Kakashi.." Sakura heaved out loud at the same time Asuma suppressed a gasp.

Sakura rambled on again, "I have had enough of your literal jokes for the day. You are scheduled for a follow-up checkup on the 5th of next month. Any questions?" Sakura asked him bossily.

"No Ma'am!" Kakashi replied with mock salute, Sakura bit her lower lip to prevent herself from giggling, she merely gave Asuma a curt nod before she walked away, pulling Hiroko who was gawking at Kakashi, along with her.

Asuma chuckled at Kakashi who was still puffing out his chest and saluting no one in particular, "She's gone now mate. You can stop flirting around now." Asuma grabbed Kakashi's backpack and lugged it across his shoulder with ease. Asuma gestured the taller male to follow him out of the hospital.

"Flirting? With who?" Kakashi asked Asuma curiously, he picked up his pace and followed Asuma through the hospital entrance, "Hiroko? She kinda have the hots for me, should I pursue.."

"You know the cute intern was not the one you were flirting with." Asuma muttered as he lit up his cigarette, he blew a puff of a smoke out of his mouth and spoke, "The pink haired student of yours does not address you as her senior anymore?"

Kakashi was internally surprised but he decided not to show it by pulling off a placid look, Asuma had always been bright and alert. "I don't know what you are on about." Kakashi continued walking a little faster than Asuma, leaving him slightly behind.

"Sure you don't, Kakashi. Sure you don't. So, are we meeting for billiards and sake tonight?" Asuma asked Kakashi casually.

"That's tonight? Tonight's bad man. I have.. something to attend to.." Kakashi responded awkwardly as held onto the nape of his neck.

Asuma chuckled lowly and asked, "Something or SOMEONE to attend to?"

Kakashi chose to ignore the Sarutobi and walked away from him.


"I knew you would screw me over like this." Sakura muttered when she found herself peeling at least 50 potatoes in a huge tub that was left on the kitchen floor of her apartment.

"Now, now, Sakura. Stop your cussing and start working." Kakashi sang from the stove, he was stirring in the onions that he had tasked Sakura to chop earlier.

"Why are we doing this, Kakashi? I thought you are trying to gain my confidence?" Sakura whined as she quickened the pace of her potato peeling.

"Cooking is one of the fastest way to a man's heart. It will make you gain confidence as they compliment your cooking and you will have a great sense of satisfaction as well. Remember Sakura-Chan, men in general, love food. A woman who can cook is comparable to a precious jewel to a man." Kakashi explained thoroughly.

"Ah.." Sakura started, "Then I should have dated Naruto. All I needed to do was cook ramen and he will be by my side for an eternity."

Kakashi laughed heartily before he added mischievously, "Chouji would be a better candidate. He is handsome, doesn't care about anything else apart from the food that is served to him. He is a perfect catch."

This time it was Sakura's turn to laugh.  Kakashi enjoyed being in her company, she was like the shining light that was guiding him through the dark. When he thought that he would never be able to develop that odd tingling feeling around anyone, Sakura showed him that being broken does not mean you have to lead your life treating others the same way. How could someone so broken be so..

"Perfect huh?" Sakura asked him gently as she brushed a strand of her hair to the back of her ear. "I wonder when I will find the perfect person for me?"

Kakashi looked her, awestruck by her lack of confidence. Any man who could be with her is more than lucky to have her. Heck, the duo would make THE perfect couple. Kakashi hated Sakura for thinking like this. Thinking that she was not worth anything more than an ex-girlfriend of the famous Uchihaa.


The duo sat at Kakashi's dining area which was facing a full-length glass panelled window. That was Kakashi's favourite spot in his entire house, the perfect place for him to unwind. He could a get a perfect glimpse of the entire city of Konoha from the height of his apartment. It seemed that he was not the only one who enjoyed it though, his ex-student was admiring the view before her. Her dinner was Long forgotten. She may have put a little too much salt in her roasted potatoes, but Kakashi seemed to have no problem with her cooking. He simply explained to her what she needed to do the next time she cooked.

Sakura hummed in contentment when she sipped onto her matcha tea as she looked up towards the beautiful night sky.
Millions of stars splashed through the night sky like pale sands into freshly turned ground. The contrast of light and dark was similar to life in the darkness, a sense of warmth rising from the cold. It was a boundless space that pulls one back to a comforted place; home.
It was the one constant thing in Sakura's life as she saw each night sky as a fresh gift given anew. It was the only time when she would calm herself down from the bustling work that awaited her, she would secretly allow her eyes to smile. It was hardly visible, however, her ever observant ex-sensei saw it and he decided that he liked seeing her under the moonlight. Instead of adding this to the list of "Reasons why I should avoid Sakura", he added this view of her; embedded in his cerebellum. If he were to ever die; he would want to have this view of her as the last thing he could see. The raw side of Sakura that could only be seen by those who had the opportunity to view it at this close distance.

"Beautiful night isn't it, Kakashi?" Sakura spoke quietly.

"Yes." Kakashi replied truthfully, his eyes did not leave the pinkette, "Beautiful."


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