4:涙 namida

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Kakashi woke up in the middle of the night to a very disturbing sound; sobbing. It wasn't too loud nor was it exactly subtle. Kakashi shrugged it off as a patient in the hospital crying. At that very thought, his eyes popped wide open, he was in a private suite- he was ALONE. How could someone's sobs be heard from his private ward?

Kakashi's eyes scanned the room, his shinobi instinct kicked in, his olfactory senses was promptly initiated. His nose picked up the salty scent of tears to 1metre off of his right; Sakura. Shit!

He bolted right up and pushed his blanket off of his feet. This caused the IV needle from his skin to come off painfully, however Kakashi was too immersed to find out who was the person who was causing her pain that he completely ignore HIS pain.

To his ultimate surprise; he found no one there. He sniffed the room again to find no other notable scents apart from his and Sakura's. He got off of his bed and walked cautiously towards the foldable bed that she was resting on.

"Sakura?" Kakashi half-whispered as he sauntered over to her. "Are you okay?"

When Sakura did not respond, Kakashi stood about an inch away from her and knelt down beside her, he craned his neck to have a closer look at the pinkette. Kakashi was surprised to find her still asleep, her breathing pattern was still the same as it was before but she was sobbing, crying in her sleep.

Seeing her cry was just about the toughest thing he had done. He had seen Minato-Sensei, Obito, Rin died before him, it used to be HIS tears. But seeing Sakura's tears burst forth like the river, welling down her face was torturous to his soul. Kakashi heard Sakura's silent wails, like a distressed child, raw from the inside. Kakashi could faintly make out the words that she was trying to say. He moved his head closer towards her and heard,

"S..s..sasuke.. Please.. Don't.."

Kakashi frowned at the Uchihaa's name, what Sakura see in him, Kakashi would never understand. Kakashi much preferred Naruto. At least Naruto was a gentleman, all Sasuke ever did to her was made her cry. The last straw was when he was welcomed back to the village and Sakura walked in on him and Karin..

Sakura woke up to find Kakashi's face looking down at her. His face was laced with pure concern and sadness. She got up quickly and wiped her face filled with tears using the back of her hands.

"Sakura.." Kakashi started.

But Sakura cut it off immediately, "Don't, Sensei don't. I don't need anyone's pity. I am fine.. It was just a stupid dream."

Kakashi nodded and heaved out a sigh, "I wasn't going to ask you about THAT, I was just wondering if you want to accompany me to the convenience store across the road."

Sakura looked up at her weird Sensei and said, "W-what??"

This time Kakashi gave her his one crease smile through his mask and offered her his hand, "Let's go, you will kill me if I sneak out on my own anyway. I am hungry Sakura-Chan, instant ramen at this time sounds about good doesn't it?"

Sakura blinked at him, once, twice, before she nodded and accepted his hand, Kakashi gently pulled her up and held onto his hand firmly.

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