10 :裏切りUragiri

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Neji, Tenten and Lee had just visited Gai from the hospital again. He was not a 100% well to begin with after using the 8th gate but the ever persistent man insisted to not be warded so that he could join them for their usual team hangout that night. Which was a blessing on his side as he and Lee witnessed the blossoming of a possible relationship between not Tenten and Neji. On the flip side though, Gai's condition worsen which meant he had to have a longer stay in the hospital.

"When will he EVER learn?" Tenten muttered incoherently.

Tenten was highly annoyed with Gai's laid back personality when it came to important matters such as his own health. If he did not look after it well, his protégé; Lee, would follow in his footsteps and that would mean double the amount of trouble for both Tenten and Neji.

The trio passed by a quaint kissaten, it was hardly noticeable if one had not been paying attention to the worn-out signage at the front of the cafe. Neji halted abruptly at the foot of the cafe, his byakugan was activated. His vision focused on the patrons who were enjoying the food there. His odd behaviour was causing concerns from his two other teammates.

"Why Neji, would you like to try this cafe today?" Lee asked him warmly.

"No. They would feel awkward with our presence. Let's just get to Ichiraku. I have a feeling my cousin is there with that blonde loud mouth. I need to seek her assistance in some personal Hyuuga matters." Neji spoke solemnly and gestured them both out of the place.


"Tomorrow." Sakura exclaimed while peeling off the skin of an Apple using a knife.

"Hmm?" Kakashi hummed quietly behind his book, he was behaving more like a model citizen ever since Sakura was assigned to him. He enjoyed their little conversations and now, he found himself liking the comforting silence between them whenever they were both immersed in their respective activities.

"Tomorrow's the day you will be discharged from the hospital, Sensei. Or are you not counting down to the day anymore?" Sakura teased him.

Kakashi chuckled softly as he flipped the page of the book he was reading, "Isn't that what YOU have been doing?"

It was Sakura's turn to chuckle, her Sensei sure knew how to tickle her funny bone, "Yeah, initially I counted down to the day you will be discharged by the SECOND.."

Kakashi pretended to have a heart attack when she said that which made Sakura smirk in amusement, "..but NOW, Gai is
catching up to that.."

Kakashi beamed in happiness, "Well.. my eternal rival would SURELY be ecstatic to know that he is getting ahead of me in THAT aspect. But why may I ask do you not address him as formally as how you address me?"

Confused at his question, Sakura placed the peeled apple down on the side table and waited for her Sensei to explain himself.

"You referred to Gai without honorific. Why do I get to be addressed with one? Last I checked, Gai is older than me." Kakashi explained calmly.

"You won't find me doing that..rude?" Sakura asked Kakashi.

"No. Calling me Sensei makes me feel old.  I have asked Naruto multiple times to kick the habit, but he couldn't. He got used to it, Sasuke on the other hand never bothered to even address me as HIS superior, while you are a different story. So what do you say?" Kakashi asked her gently, his good eye lingered slowly towards her form.

"Kakashi huh?" Sakura said out loud absentmindedly, testing his name on her lips, "Needs a little bit of getting used to.. But I Guess that's better. Beats having Hiroko asking me why I kept calling you Sensei. I think she has the hots for you."

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