7:枕 Makura

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Sakura woke up to the chirping of birds. That was a rare occasion, Sakura usually woke up before the break of dawn, that would only mean..

"I AM LATE! KAKASHI-SENSEI~!" Sakura yelled as she looked frantically around for the silver-haired nin. She was certain he would run away when he got the chance; she should be alert damn it! But she felt serene after the longest time. Last night was the best sleep she has had from possibly since she was still staying with her parents as a Gennin. She laughed so much with her Sensei last night and they both went back to his ward bickering with happy smiles as they went to bed.

"Keep your panties on, you drama queen. I am right here. Can't a man shave in silence in this dreary hospital?" Kakashi's voice mused topless from the bathroom door, his mask however was firmly attached to his face. "I was icky and I had to shower." Kakashi pretended to sniff the air and continued, "Smells like you need one too."

Kakashi had to dodge a pillow thrown his way easily, the person behind him however was not so lucky.

"Oh SHIT" Kakashi and Sakura both yelled when they realised who was the one who received the pillow throw smack on the face.


Sakura bolted right out of her lying position while Kakashi was already bowing down on the floor on Tsunade's feet.

"I didn't realise you were there your excellency! If I had known, I would have taken that pillow on YOUR behalf! Spare us our lives oh wise and beautiful Hokage-Sama !!" Kakashi pleaded.

Instead of mercy, Kakashi received a thump on his head by the blonde and Sakura received a similar thump. There was a prominent bulge at the top of their heads now before Tsunade cleared her throat, calmed herself down and spoke, "It seems the former members of team 7 are ALL HEADACHE INDUCING IDIOTS."

Sakura was now also bowing down on the floor next to Kakashi who muttered, "Next time AIM properly!"

"YOU were the one who DODGED!" Sakura hissed icily.

"NOW THEN." Tsunade's voice boomed over their hissing feud. "I came here to check on our dear uncooperative patient and my protege, however it seems that the both of you are doing well seeing that you haven't killed each other, I will just need a report from you of his development Sakura. That is all."

Tsunade turned around and heard them bickering again, she could not help but suppress a little smile. Maybe she should interfere more with this possible love life? She could not help feeling that she should be deserving the credits for bringing them together, a smug look surfaced on her face as she thought of the development that duo had so far.

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