11 : 変化する Henka suru

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Kakashi looked at her broken face and it tugged onto his heartstrings. He could not do this anymore, he looked away as he spoke gently to the younger kunoichi.

"Sakura listen, it was not your fault. How is any of it your fault? You were always there when he needed you.." Kakashi started but was interrupted by Sakura.

"He said I was needy. Desperate for HIS attention, I was very constricting around him. He said it was UNNATURAL for me to think about LOVING him. He did not want love. He wanted an heir to the Uchihaa lineage, something I was not ready for. So he settled for someone who was more than willing to carry HIS seed. He.. He was just after sex. Something that I wasn't able to accommodate to. Kakashi. It was my fault. I didn't open up to ANYONE about this stupid issue because I was embarrassed, I wanted it to be special. I know it's old fashion but I prefer it that way. So in conclusion, this is MY fault. It is my biggest regret, I don't think I can hop into another relationship with me feeling like this."

Sakura was crying by then, her pent up emotions that she had kept for more than a year, her resentment towards herself, the fact that she was weak to adhere to "the rules of a relationship" as how Sasuke put it across was bursting through the seams. She did not even acknowledge the fact that he had left her when they broke up. She simply pretended that she never dated him, she went to work, ate, did her house chores, went on missions and repeated those mundane things over and over again. Naruto was busy with Jiraiya and his other missions while Kakashi simply turned busier after their Mission to the land of snow. While Sai.. was just Sai. The best way he had "consoled" her was to give her three awkward pats on her back.

Kakashi was dumbfounded, he had no idea what he should do. A huge part of him was telling him to run, but the sensible part of him was crumbling down at the sight of his ex-student breaking down right in front of him. Kakashi went over to her, bent down to her hunched form and embraced her. Sakura was now sobbing loudly against his chest but she did not push him away, she felt rather relieved to have told at least one person of how she had been feeling ever since he left. Kakashi caressed her Long pink hair softly while rubbing soothing circles behind her back.

"You know." Kakashi started when Sakura's sobs had quietened down, "You are not needy. If you are, you would not be trained by one of the great sannin. You will still be moping around in your apartment and not get your ass to work and pay the damn bills. You are a confident and independent woman. I admire that about you."

Sakura looked up from Kakashi's chest where she had been crying at and asked him the next question, "Then why did he leave me?"

Kakashi looked down towards her face, from the close distance that they were in, he could count every little freckles, every tiny tear drop that was still attached to her eyelashes. How the little crinkles formed next to her nose as she spoke with worry, how her philtrum shiver a little when she asked the question. She looked genuinely curious and astoundingly beautiful right then. But all she was talking about was-

"Sasuke." Kakashi started, his voice sounded a little annoyed when he spoke the dreaded name, "Was an idiot. HE did not deserve you. I bet you could do with someone much better than him. I won't be surprised if there is a queue for that."

Sakura scoffed at the words used by Kakashi, "A queue. I had no one to turn to after that incident. How could there be a queue now?"

Kakashi chuckled lowly, if only Sakura could see herself the way Kakashi was, she could possibly be crazy in love with herself; obsessed even. That was when it hit Kakashi on the head, Sakura was not aware of it. The only version of her that she knew of was of how Sasuke painted her, through Sasuke's point of view. Not from anyone else's. The problem was, how was Kakashi going to show her that she was already beautiful in every way?

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