8 : ナースNāsu

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Sakura had to leave Kakashi for a while to settle some pressing issues that involved a document, a blurry intern and a furious Hokage. Turns out, Tsunade retrieved a document in the hospital with the help of Hiroko, a pretty but slow-witted intern when Tsunade was unable to find Sakura last night. But Hiroko gave her the wrong folder and gave the other folder to the mailman who was about to send it over to Suna. The other problem was; Hiroko had no idea which courier company she had engaged to deliver that particular mail.

Sakura had to ask Hiroko to stand in for her and look after Kakashi instead while she sorted out the issue on hand. Kakashi was lying on the hospital bed with her Icha-Icha book in one hand while Hiroko was seated on a chair next to his bed.

"Ano..." Hiroko twiddled her fingers together as she looked at Kakashi, "..I am new here and I am still trying to adapt and learn... I am not really certain what i should do with you.."

Kakashi, who was reading his book gave Hiroko a one eyed crease smile and replied, "It's pretty simple Aoyama-San. You just have to keep a lookout. If you find me turning blue, resuscitate me. If not, you may choose to either go to ward 36A, find a shinobi by the name of Maito Gai and immense yourself in a discussion about the importance of youth."

Hiroko tilted her head to the side as she blinked and said, "You are pulling my leg aren't you?"

Kakashi internally face palmed himself, he had finally found himself a female Naruto.
Although, Hiroko was pretty; alluring. Her dark brown tresses paired with the most bewitching set of honey coloured eyes and a voluptuous body would cause any men to take a second glance at her. The only sad thing was; she lacked certain brain cells in her system. Kakashi saw her making multiple mistakes in a span of 30 minutes and the poor girl had no idea what she did wrong to begin with. Kakashi sighed at the thought of her. No wonder Tsunade was pissed as heck.

When Kakashi nodded as a response, Hiroko giggled quietly and spoke, "You are funny. Haruno-Senpai kept calling you "Sensei" are you really her teacher? You don't look that old."

Kakashi gave her his one eyed crease smile again and replied, "I am 34.."

Hiroko gasped as she did a mental calculation using her fingers, she counted silently before she touched her forehead with her pointer finger.

"That means you are 4 years older than me.. Is it true what they say about older men Hatake-San?" Hiroko asked quietly.

"There's a lot of wise interpretation of what older men are well known for Aoyama-San. One of them is wise beyond the face of the earth.." Kakashi replied playfully.

"And what about the one of experience and maturity? And the ability to look after younger women better than younger males?" Hiroko asked slyly.

Kakashi peered up from his book to have a look at her. She was not that dumb after all. Certainly quick witted at THIS aspect.

Kakashi shrugged and replied, "That depends on who he's with I guess."

"I heard.. Nurses would make a fair date. Especially cute new ones." Hiroko mused, her uncertain aura was gone, a new wave of courage surfaced. Her fingers were tracing along the outline of his biceps. Kakashi placed his book down, slightly intrigued.

"What are you suggesting, Aoyama-San?" Kakashi asked, he was after all curious and he needed a distraction away from Sakura- his ex-student.

Hiroko was already giving him a seductive look, Kakashi felt compelled to look at her eyes. He was suddenly drawn towards them, he was unable to control his body right then, his body moved forwards, towards the pretty nurse. Before he could reach her however, they heard the drawing of curtains behind them and they quickly drew apart.

"Aoyama-San, thank you for relieving me, let me take it from here." Sakura exclaimed, her eyes were still focused on another nurse who had entered the room, "Yes, Suzuki-San, take the larger dose and administer it to Maito-San, he is not a 100% yet. The damage he had suffered are mostly internal so please get him back to his bed."

Sakura finally turned to see Hiroko busying herself to collect her standard medical kit from the side table while Kakashi was reading his book as per normal.

"Gai is giving you trouble I presume?" Kakashi asked without looking at her, his eyes strained towards his prized book.

"Yes." Sakura replied through gritted teeth. "You didn't tell me your best friend behaves EXACTLY like you. We had to reprimand him from doing push-ups on our cat scan machines!"

Kakashi chuckled lowly, his eyes still glued onto his book.

"W-well then, Hatake-San. I best be off.." Hiroko mumbled as she shifted clumsily away from the duo.

"Oh, Aoyama-San. Tsunade-Sama needs to have a word with you.." Sakura started as the worried frown on Hiroko's forehead deepened, ".. in the Hokage's tower. Would you need someone to escort you there?"

Hiroko looked somewhat terrified but mustered the courage up and replied, "N-no. Haruno-Senpai, I-I think I need to do this on my own.." She gave Kakashi a quick glance before walking away swiftly from the duo.

Kakashi looked at her from the corner of his good eye as she left, his eyes returned back to his book before him.

Sakura sighed as she pushed a few strands of her hair to the back of her left ear, "So.. Have you driven Aoyama-San nuts as well?"

Kakashi shrugged as he flipped a page of off his book, "The usual you know. Women are usually attracted to me. Got pretty used to it by now."

Sakura scoffed loudly as she gestured Kakashi to stand, "Lunch."

Kakashi looked over at his ex student wondering where she was getting at, the hospital always served him lunch. He did not need to move away from the comfort of his bed to get LUNCH.

Sakura noticed this and spoke, "Weren't you the one who said you wanted a DIFFERENT type of food apart from the icky food served here? That's word for word verbatim right there."

Kakashi looked at Sakura oddly, "Won't we get into trouble for doing this?"

Sakura let out a dry chuckle, her Sensei never thought twice if his actions would ever cause them trouble. Why now?

"Sensei. You never gave a damn. Why are you showing concern now?" Sakura asked him sceptically.

Kakashi shrugged and countered, "It will get YOU into trouble with the Hokage. I will be the one dragging YOU down. Are you sure you will be fine with this arrangement?"

Sakura rolled her eyes as she created a bunshin of herself and gestured her ex-Sensei to do the same. The duo nodded at their shadow clones before sneaking out of the hospital premises.

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