5: ラーメン Ramen

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The duo were currently seated on the empty high stool bar chairs located outside of the convenience store. They were both facing the store as the high table was attached to the class panel of the store. It was a beautiful night, the stars gleamed brightly and crickets were chirping about noisily.

Sakura realised that Kakashi's right hand was injured when he made the payment for their items, two diet cokes (because Sakura insisted to a pouting Kakashi that patients should not have sake) and two ramens with instant hanjuku eggs. Sakura's inner nurse experience kicked in. She fussed over Kakashi's badly torned skin by summoning a first aid kit from her scroll. She cleaned up the wound with disinfecting liquids before she pressed the gauze down with a little more force than she should which made him grunt out in pain.

"Did that hurt?" Sakura asked him in a mock sweet tone.

Kakashi chuckled softly before he replied, "I didn't take you as a sadist who enjoy harming an old man like me."

Sakura scoffed before she expertly removed the surgical tape with one hand and taped it onto the gauze to disable it from moving, "I should tape up your mouth instead. And stop calling yourself an old man! You are only 6 years older than me." Sakura snapped as she slapped the gauze on his hand.

Kakashi flinched and bit his lower lip, now that HURT, if he wanted to live a little longer he should stop running his mouth like an idiot.

"Ooh. It's been 3 minutes! Our cup ramens are finally ready." Sakura exclaimed excitedly. Her eyes were brightening up as soon as she opened up the lid, allowing to the steam to escape. Sakura sniffed the smell of the soupy goodness and exhaled gratefully.

Kakashi broke his chopsticks apart and opened up the lid of his ramen, "I didn't take you as a ramen lover. I guess Naruto's irrevocable love for ramen is rubbing off on you."

Sakura who was slurping her Ramen had to hold in the laughter by slowly swallowing her food, it did not work, she was now choking on her ramen. She bent forwards to Ensure that her ramen would not block her airways. Kakashi noticed this and he quickly went up to her and patted her back, when he was certain she was fine, he went back into the store, bought some wet wipes and came back out to clean up Sakura's mouth with it.

Sakura allowed herself to be pampered by her Sensei. He fussed over her hair which had traces of ramen soup on it as well. Kakashi was gentle and calm. He did not make much of single comment on how Sakura should behave in the presence of a man or whatever that the jerk wanted of her.

Sakura recollected what Sasuke has said to her before. Sakura was laughing about what she recalled while having dinner with Sasuke, this made her laugh which resulted her in choking on her dinner. Instead of helping her, Sasuke commented that she was gross and she should behave more lady-like before HIM.

Sakura's hands clutched it self into a fist upon the recollection of this memory, her anger however subsided when she heard her Sensei said, "All gone. Are you okay now?"

Sakura looked at him and nodded slowly, uncertainly.

Kakashi gave her his one eyed crease smile as he exhaled and spoke, "That's a relief. I thought I had to perform the heimlich manoeuvre on you. I am still quite uncertain how the procedure goes, was it five blows on the head or one chidori from the abdomen?"

Sakura forced it down but she realised she could not, she had been trying to show the least amount of emotions with people around her and it worked, but with her ex-sensei, she realised that she was close to becoming undone, Sakura smiled before she giggled and it slowly turned into an infectious laughter.

That could be another one of the reasons that Kakashi should avoid Sakura; her laughter. Kakashi should consider creating a list of why he should be avoiding his ex-student, because the more he is trying to avoid her, the lengthier the reason gets. The way Sakura laughed was in her eyes, the way her face changed into that vision of glee and unchained mirth. Her laugh came from within, it was in the sincerity of how it sounds like that made it beautiful. Kakashi stood there in awe of her beauty, he was so preoccupied at what he was looking that he did not realise that they were being watched from afar.

Tsunade was looking for Sakura in the hospital, it was pertaining an important document that needed to be retrieved from the hospital's archive. She was surprised to find not only her prized pupil but her patient both missing from the room. She sent an ANBU team to locate them and found them at the convenience store just across the street from the hospital. She was about to walk over to give them both a piece of her mind when she witnessed something that she thought was a rare sight. Sakura smiling and laughing. It had been a long time since Tsunade noticed this. Sakura was hurt badly by the her first love that rendered her incapable of allowing anyone in her heart for the longest time. Two years to be exact. But now, seeing Sakura this happy, made Tsunade stop dead in her tracks as she slowly backed away and decided to retrieve the important piece of document herself. Sakura needed this, Tsunade thought. Sakura deserves to be happy, even if the only person who could achieve that is an annoying prick.

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