Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters

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Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters - 1992

Arriving back at the mansion after the Space Mission was a relief for Peter and the rest of his teammates, the Space Mission had been nerve-racking for all of them. After they had seen Jean floating lifeless in Space from the X-Jet it made them think the worse, none of them had ever experienced anything like this before when it came to one of their own kind. They had nearly lost one of their teammates, Raven was furious about it. They really were putting their lives on the line for the human race.

Charles and the students were waiting for them in the school's main hallway, they applauded their return. The Professor gave a speech, he was so proud of the missions success and the X Men. Peter hung around to speak with some of the students, they had so many questions to ask him. They wanted to hear about the Space Mission, he told them everything he had done and how he saved the day.

Charles had asked Hank to give Jean a standard medical and Raven wanted words with the Professor in his office, she still wasn't happy about what had happened to Jean. Peter, Kurt, Storm and Scott had heard Raven yelling at Charles in his office. Raven was furious with Charles, she had warned him more than once about risking the X Men's lives on missions. But the Professor was changing, the fame had been going to his head lately. For once people were beginning to except mutants back into society which was a good thing, it felt nice being appreciated for all the good they had done for the world.

" I'll catch you guys later." Scott said. " I'm going to check on Jean."

" Yeah, I'm going to go too." Storm said.

" Cool, I'll see you guys later." Peter said.

The group split up and they went their separate ways, since all classes were cancelled for the day they had time to relax. Peter headed to his dorm room, he had a quick shower and changed into something more comfortable. After that he lounged on the couch and ate a box of Hostess Chocolate Cupcakes, he watched television while he licked the chocolate frosting away from the cupcake. Picking his mug of coffee up from the table he sipped his hot drink, this was his tenth cup of coffee of the day. But his relaxing times were interrupted by a knock at his door, he wasn't expecting any visitors. Zooming over to his room's door he opened it wide while he necked back his coffee, he was greeted by Kurt. He had no idea what his friend wanted though, maybe Kurt wanted to borrow some of his vinyls again.

Kurt looked worried, he wasn't his cheery and smiley self. It turned out that Kurt was concerned about Jean. Since they all had time to reflect on today's event he couldn't stop thinking about the Space Mission, it was praying heavy on his mind.

" Do you think Jean is okay?" Kurt asked.

" I don't know, I mean it was scary back there for a moment." Peter replied. " But she seemed fine, I mean we can only go on what she says."

" That is true." Kurt said.

Peter and Kurt spoke for awhile until they decided to go for a walk around the school, the students were all excited about having no classes for the rest of the day. Many students stopped them in the corridor to speak to them about the Space Mission again, Kurt had a chance this time to tell them about how he teleported Peter inside of the Space Shuttle and helped rescue the astronauts. The students loved hearing about their missions, most of them hoped that one day they would be able to be part of the X Men and help others in need. Peter waved the group of students off when he saw Hank walking towards them, it looked like Hank wanted to speak with them. 

" How was Jean's medical?" Kurt asked.

" Jean's heartbeat and pulse were strong, her brain activity was normal." Hank replied while he crossed his arms. " But something wasn't right, I'm unsure what exactly. Her genetic readings were hard to read, basically her readings were off the charts."

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