Bring Jean Home

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Dark Phoenix - 1992 - Part 3

The X Men boarded the X-Jet and sat in their normal places, they had no idea where they were going. Peter fastened himself into his chair and put his goggles on, he then styled his hair so it didn't get caught in the goggle's strap clips. He looked around the X-Jet and popped a piece of bubblegum into his mouth, his teammates looked nervous. Especially Scott, he was so worried about Jean. Peter had no idea how Jean had escaped the mansion, the last time he had seen Jean was at the Bonfire Party.

Hank and Raven were sitting in the pilot seats, they were busy setting the X-Jet's coordinates to an unknown location. Raven told her teammates they were waiting for Charles, he had insisted that he should accompany them on this mission. Peter chewed his bubblegum and got comfortable in his chair, he was surprised to hear that Charles was coming along with them on the mission. The Professor never came with them unless it something serious, he normally stayed at the school and used Cerebro to guide them when needed. Something felt off, this mission didn't feel right since they were going after one of their own.

" Where are we going?" Kurt asked. 

" Red Hook, New York." Hank replied while he flipped a few switches above his head. " Jean use to live there long ago before she became a student at the school, Charles fears that she may have gone to visit her Father."

" Hold on one moment..." Storm said, she sounded confused. " Jean told me that her parents had died in a car accident when she was a child."

" I was also told this, what is going on?" Kurt asked.

" Jean's Father is still alive..." Scott replied. 

" What? How?" Peter asked. 

" Jean's mutation has grown powerful." Raven said, she looked at her teammates over her shoulder. " Even Charles can't penetrate her mind anymore, everything he ever told Jean was a lie..."

" Raven..." Hank said.

" No Hank, they deserve to know the truth!" Raven said while her gaze lingered on Hank for a brief second. " Charles made adjustments to Jean's mind when she was young, he hid her past traumas from her. He planted false memories to protect her, but somehow those hidden memories began to reveal themselves to her not long after the Space Mission."

" Seriously?! I mean holy shit..." Peter said.

" How could Charles do that to her?" Scott asked.

" Charles thought he was doing the right thing at the time, he wanted to protect her from..." Hank paused for moment before he continued to speak. " Well, everything. We believe that the solar flare somehow triggered something deep inside of Jean's mind, those walls Charles had built inside of her mind weakened and showed her everything Charles wanted to protect her from."

" That's when Jean heard her Father's voice." Raven said, her gaze lowered to the floor." Everything Jean ever knew was nothing but a lie, she was so angry with Charles..."

" I don't blame her, poor Jean..." Peter said. 

" That's why Jean was upset, I thought she was taking nonsense at first because..." Scott sighed, his voice cracked with emotion. " She was anxious and so scared, I just thought..."

" Scott, we will get Jean back." Raven said. " I promise." 

Peter looked over at Scott, he looked like a broken man. Kurt rested his hand on Scott's shoulder and comforted him with kind words, it was heartbreaking seeing him so upset. It wasn't long until Charles entered the X-Jet, he parked his wheelchair near the back of the Jet and it's wheels clicked into some special locks to hold the wheelchair into place while the Jet was in flight. Peter blew a bubblegum bubble and it popped loudly, it broken the silence before Scott turned his anger onto Charles.

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