Four Days Later

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Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters.

Four Days Later.

Peter stirred in his sleep while he muttered something under his breath, his eyelids were heavy. He could hear a machine beeping and the smell of antiseptic wipes were strong in his nostrils, his body was in pain. He was fighting to wake up, but his mind was filled with unknown voices.

Wake up, wake up Peter!

Peter, Peter... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!

Mutant and proud...

The voices echoed inside of his mind, it felt like his head was going to exploded. Peter fought harder to wake up, moving his head side to side his eyes finally began to open. His vision was blurry at first, but he soon focused on the beeping heart monitor next to him. He watched the numbers changing while it continued to make it's beeping sound, the lines moved up and down on the machine's screen. He looked at his right hand and noticed a butterfly needle in his hand, he had no idea what was going on.

Peter looked around at his surroundings, he was in Hank's laboratory. He sitting upright on an adjustable bed, he was still wearing his battlesuit trousers and his grey t-shirt. He had pulse pads stuck on his chest beneath his shirt and blood pressure cuff on his right arm, he felt kind of drugged up. He pulled himself up and whined when a sharp pain rushed up his left side. It felt like he had been hit by a truck, he couldn't remember much since his head was throbbing. 

The doors of Hank's laboratory slid open, he turned his head to one side and he saw two familiar faces heading towards him. Storm and Hank approached him, Storm rested her hand on Peter's shoulder while she gave him a glass of water. Hank checked on the machine's readings before he turned around to face Peter, he carefully took the butterfly needle from Peter's hand and pressed a cotton bud on his needle wound. He applied pressure to needle's entry point and checked Peter's pulse at the same time, Hank told him all of his vital signs were fine.

" You're finally awake, how are you feeling?" Storm asked.

" It feels like I've been hit by a truck, did anyone get it's number plate?" Peter asked, his voice was hoarse. " What happened?"

" Don't you remember?" Hank asked. 

" I remember bits, my mind feels like it's been in a blender..." Peter replied before he took a sip of his water. " Did we find Jean? I remember we went to Red Hook, New York. Did she find her Father? Did we bring her home?"

" So many question." Storm said with a kind smile. " Not much has changed there then." 

" Peter, do you feel any dizziness or nausea?" Hank asked, he removed the cotton bud and stuck a plaster on his hand. " How's your vision? Are you seeing double? Any pressure in your head or any headaches?"

" A little bit of dizziness and a headache." Peter replied. " I'm hungry though, it feels like I've not eaten for days."

" I think you're concuss, it may take a week or two until you're memory improves." Hank replied, he took the blood pressure cuff from Peter's arm. " Other than that your recovery process has been going well, I'll arrange for someone to take you to your room. My advice is to get plenty of bed rest, I suggest you try and take it slow."

" I've heard that line before, it didn't work out..." Peter said.

" I'll take him to his room, I'll be heading that way anyway." Storm replied.

" Then it's settled, I'll come and check on you later." Hank said.

" Thanks Hank." Peter said.

Hank removed the pulse pads from Peter's chest and switched the heart monitor machine off, he then began to tidy up the area while Storm went to fetch a wheelchair for Peter to use. Peter swung his legs over the edge of the bed, he closed his eyes when he felt a sharp pain shooting up his left side again. Peter heard Hank telling him to be careful, for once he was going to take that little piece of advice.

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