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Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters - 1992 

Peter helped the students back to the mansion with the rest of his teammates, he had to take more than one trip to the school's grounds to collect the injured students. Some of them had sprained wrists and ankles, one of the students had a bad cut beneath their eyebrow. Some of the less injured students helped their fellow classmates to their dorm rooms, but some of the students had to go to the school's medical room.

Peter carried one of the injured students to the medical room, he carefully placed her down on one of the makeshift beds and covered her up with a blanket. He gave the girl a smile and gently tucked the blanket beneath her arms, she reminded him a lot of his younger Sister. He hadn't seen his family for weeks, he missed his Mom and Sister. The girl winced while the blanket brushed against her right arm, she told him that her arm was painful and sore. He made sure the girl's arm was lying on top of the blanket, it would be easier for the nurse to check her arm when she got around to seeing her.

" My arm hurts..." She said.

" Hey, its alright." Peter said, he brushed some of the girl's fringe away from her eyes. " You'll be fine, I'll come and see you in the morning. Do you need anything in the mean time?"

" No." She replied.

" Take it easy." Peter said.

" Thank you, Peter." She said. 

" Anytime, now get some rest." Peter smiled. 

Peter left the medical room and walked along the corridor, he tucked his hands in his trouser pockets while he blew his fringe away from his eyes. He was trying to get his head around what had just happened outside on the grounds of the school, he was worried about Jean and the rest of the students. He saw Raven and Hank near the main staircase of the school with Alison, Hank was putting a sling on Alison's arm. Raven was comforting a female student, the student was sobbing into her hands. She spoke softly to the girl before she gave her a hug, the students were lucky to have a Team Leader like Raven at the school. Peter approached them and rested his hand on one of the male student's shoulders, he asked him if he was alright. The student nodded his head and kept his gaze on the ground, the students were all shaken up over what Jean had done at the Bonfire Party.

" This is the last group of students from the grounds." Raven said while she turned around to face Peter. " How's everybody doing in the medical room?"

" They're shaken up, but they should be fine after a good nights sleep." Peter replied.

" Aren't we all right now, I just don't understand what happened with Jean." Hank said before he crossed his arms. " Her results came back normal and she seemed fine, it was some kind of telekinetic wave we witnessed. Scott told me Jean was having some form of a mental breakdown before her outburst, it could be related to the solar flare she absorbed in Space. I can't be sure until I've rewatched the footage I recorded on my monitor, I just can't get my head around it..."

" We'll figure it out when Charles gets back." Raven said. " Jean is resting right now, Scott is keeping an eye on her. But for now we need to get the students back to their rooms, it's getting late." 

" Come on guys, you heard the lady!" Peter said.

Most of the students had no issues walking up the staircase since they weren't badly hurt, Alison didn't need any help neither. Hank helped one of the students up the stairs since he had hurt his leg, Raven guided the rest of the students up the staircase while Peter showed some supported to one of the other students. Peter looked over his shoulder and stopped on the staircase when he heard the Professor's wheelchair's wheels on the floor of the corridor, everybody else stopped to look at their Headmaster. The Professor looked anxious, he probably knew something was wrong already because he was connected to most of the students minds at the school. 

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