Chapter 11

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After a minute I pull away from the Prince. He's just sitting in front of me with his eyes widen along with his very pink cheeks.

  My brain starts to work again and I gasp. I stand up and quickly walk towards the kitchen door.

"Kenny please don't go!" The Prince says

I stop and stand in place. The small soft footsteps stop right behind me and I feel small arms wrap around my waist.

"B-but Prince that was very inappropriate of me to do." I say

He whispers" It's not if I have feelings for you."

It takes a minute for those words to process inrto my brain. Slowly I turn around and look at The Prince. He has a smile but that blush is still placed on his cheeks. My hands reach down and grab his pink cheeks.

Later that night I'm laying bed when I hear a knock at my door. Looking at the door I see small pale feet. Standing up I walk towards the door and pull it open. Prince Butters is standing in my doorway with a blanket and a scared expression on his face.

"What's the matter Prince?" I ask

Tears start to flow and he drops to the floor. I kneel so I'm eye level with him. I pull him into a embrace and start to pet his hair. He grips tightly onto my arms. He slowly comes to a stop but he continues to sniffle.

I ask" what's the matter?"

"I just miss my dad so much," he says

  I pick him up and carry him to my bed. Once I climb in he moves closer to my body. I just smile and watch him slowly fall asleep. Pulling the blanket over us I lay my head down and close my eyes.

The next day

"Prince please stay where I can keep an eye on you!" I yell

He smiles and goes over to the aisle that has free tea samples. He's friends with the blonde boy that gives out the samples of tea. I walk over to the meat section. The guy behind the glass stand that holds the meat is young Craig. Prince is friends with him as well.

"Good Morning Craig." I say

"Good morning. " he says

I look up at him and he staring at something. I turn around to see Prince and that young Blonde guy. I smile to myself and begin to tell him what meat I want,

  While cutting the meat he keeps taking quick glances at the tea guy. I walk over to the Prince and his friend. I whisper in the blonde guy's ear. He blushes but nods his head.

  I head back towards Craig with the blonde behind me. Craig turns around to hand me the packed meat when he sees the blonde guy. I take the meat and walk away.

"How did you do that? I've been trying to get Tweek to talk to Craig for ages." The Prince says

I climb into the limo and smile at him. He buckles his seatbelt and stares at me waiting for my answer. I drive off and when his attention was off of me I say something.

"I told him that Craig likes him very much and that he should talk to him before the opportunity is gone." I say

He turns away from me with a smile on his face as he looks out the window.  When we get back to his place I begin to take out the grocery bags when he takes a couple bags.

"Prince You don't have to help me." I say

He says" But I want to help."

He gives me a quick peck on the lips before he skips into the mansion. I shake my head while walking towards the doors.


After every bag was grabbed and the food was put away. I begin to make dinner. The Prince stands by myself watching me prepare the food.

"Kenny? Can you show me how to cook?" He ask

I say" You don't need to learn how to cook cause you have people cook for you."

"But I want to learn how to do things for myself. I don't want to relay on other people when I'm capable to do things on my own." He says

I ruffle his hair and I agree to teach him how to cook. He just watches and listens to say I say. Letting him cut the chicken I stand back and watch him. He's so focus and determined to learn. I take the knife away from him and finish cutting the chicken.

  Dinner is done and set on the table with everybody sitting around he table. Prince Butters sits next to me and he says praise.

  With the Queen gone everybody is friendly and talks with each other. It's a better environment with kindness and love. I watch the Prince laugh and talk with all the maids and servants.

He's going to be better then his parents

Runaway with me Prince (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now