The Decepticons

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        While Bella was recovering at the Autobots Base, the Decepticons were in their base about 20 miles away plotting their next attack on the Autobots. But this time Megatron decided to not let one of his Decepticons to be seen again, since that didn't really work last time, and had to retreat since they were caught off guard by the Autobots. So Megatron was staring at the main computer screen with his hands behind his back, thinking of ways to destroy the Autobots, and their base once and for all so that they can take control over the Earth without interference from the Autobots. While behind him stood Starscream, Breakdown, Knockout, Soundwave, Shockwave, Predaking, Skylynx, and Darksteel who were awaiting orders from Megatron on what they should do. Megatron was staring at the screen and thinking about a plan for a while with the eight other Decepticons waiting on him, until he turned around with his hands still behind his back.

"So what is your plan on finally taking down the Autobots once and for all Lord Megatron?" Starscream asked.

"I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to catch the Autobots off guard." Megatron replied.

"Lord Megatron, I don't think that is a plan." Breakdown said.

"That was more of an observation Lord Megatron." Shockwave said. 

"Of course It was an observation Shockwave, since I haven't told you the plan yet." Megatron replied.

"So what is the plan?" Starscream asked.

"We first need to get into their base and disable the systems so that they are blind and won't know that we are coming. But that would be impossible." Megatron said as he turned around and started to stare at the computer screen.

"Well we can brain wash an Autobot to do are dirty work, since they know where everything is at in that base." Shockwave said.

"Lord Megatron would never agree to letting an Autobot to do something that we Decepticons can do ourselves." Predaking said to Shockwave.

"I agree with Predaking." Darksteel said.

"So do I." Skylynx said.

"I think that is a great idea." Knockout said as Predaking, Skylynx, and Darksteel looked at him.

"Shockwave, you just interested me with your idea." Megatron said as he turned around and faced them.

"Lord Megatron, have you lost your mind! There is no way that will work!" Predaking said.

"Silence Predaking!" Megatron told him. "This plan will work because it was Shockwave who thought of it."

"I fully agree with Shockwave's plan Lord Megatron." Starscream said. "But which Autobot do we use for Shockwave's plan?"

"I will decide that once I figure out who is the right one for the job and one where Optimus Prime and the other Autobot's won't suspect." Megatron said.

        Right when Megatron said that Soundwave immediately walked over to the main computer and started looking at Autobot profiles and eliminated the Autobots that were not the right one for the job. Predaking, Darksteel, and Skylynx did not want to stand and wait around while Soundwave was doing what he was doing, so they left the main part of the base and decided to wander around the rest of base. Shockwave left as well to go back to his lab to work on the device that would let him control the mind of any Autobot that was chosen. After Shockwave and the Predacons left, it was only Soundwave, Starscream, Knockout, Breakdown, and Megatron, until he told Knockout, and Breakdown, to go help Shockwave build the device that would brain wash one of the Autobots, which they were not happy about doing at all. So when those two left, Soundwave had narrowed the search down to about ten Autobots that might be able to pull the job off. The Autobots were Mirage, Powerglide, Sideswipe, Flare-up, Ironhide, Cliffjumper, Smokescreen, Blurr, Crosshairs, and Bella.

        Megatron was watching closely as Soundwave searched for the Autobot that would do the deed of disabling all of the Autobots systems so that the Decepticons would be able to get the drop on the Autobots and destroy them once and for all. Soundwave then narrowed it down to five Autobots that were qualified enough which were Mirage, Blurr, Crosshairs, Sideswipe, and Bella. When Megatron saw the picture of Bella up on the screen with the other four, he immediately recognized her as the Autobot who discovered them and informed the rest of the Autobots of their presence, and made a fool out of Breakdown. Megatron then felt that Bella should not be one of the ones to do the job and instead, she should be eliminated and sent to the scrap yard so that she could not interfere with any of his plans ever again. But then his thoughts changed when he saw that she was in the top three choices with Mirage, and Blurr, at first he thought it was a mistake, but then he realized that it is probably not a mistake.

"Lord Megatron, is it really a good idea to let the Autobot that made a fool out of Breakdown, and alert us to the other Autobots of our presence, to do the task?" Starscream asked.

"We will just have to find out." Megatron replied.

"Lord Megatron, the other two Autobots are probably way more qualified then she is." Starscream said. 

"Shockwave, how is it going with the device?" Megatron asked Shockwave over comms.

"It should be done by tomorrow, Lord Megatron." Shockwave replied.

"Excellent." Megatron said.

        Megatron had a grin on his face as Soundwave narrowed it down to two Autobots Mirage, and Bella, but when Starscream saw who one of them was, he was not pleased, but he did not say so, he just kept it to himself. When Predaking, Darksteel, and Skylynx walked back, and saw the picture of Bella on the screen, they were not pleased, and even told Megatron about it, but he just told them to shut up and watch, and they did. So as Soundwave finally picked out the Autobot that would be brainwashed, and some of them were shocked at who the Autobot was, and the Predacons were about to complain but then Megatron told them to be quiet. When he saw which Autobot it was, he grinned and told them that the Autobot on the screen will soon be under the control of the Decepticons and will disable all of the Autobot systems, and that when it is done, they will release the Autobot from their control, and they won't know what they did. But little did they know, that this Autobot would not be able to do it for a while. When Megatron walked away from where he was standing, the others followed, including Soundwave, and when he left, the photo of the Autobot was still up there for every Decepticon to see. The Autobot that was going to do the deed of disabling all of the Autobot systems, was Bella, who was at the moment, was resting.

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