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        It was almost a week since the battle with the Decepticons happened, and there were Autobots that were already recovered from their injuries, but not everyone was fully recovered yet. Ultra Magnus, Smokescreen, Sideswipe, Wheelie, Sunstreaker, Blurr, and Bluestreak were all still recovering, but at least they were doing better since what happened. Bella was helping out Ratchet make sure that all of them were doing fine, and telling them when they will can report for duty, but Ultra Magnus did not want to wait anymore, he just wanted to get back to duty now, but Ratchet was not having it.

"You will not be fully recovered for at least another week Ultra Magnus, sir." Ratchet told him while trying to get him to get him to lay back down.

"Doctor, I think I am ready for active duty now." Ultra Magnus said.

"No you are not." Ratchet said. "You need to rest more." 

"I am fine doctor." Ultra Magnus said while insisting that he should be cleared for active duty.

"Ultra Magnus, please listen to Ratchet. He knows what is best." Bella said as she walked towards the two.

"Bella is right. Now just lay down and get some rest." Ratchet demanded.

"Alright." Ultra Magnus said as he layed down.

"Finally." Ratchet said as he walked away.

"Trust me sir when I say that you will be ready for active duty in no time." Bella said as she walked away.

        After Bella walked away from Ultra Magnus she walked over to Smokescreen to see how he was doing and talk to him as well. But when she went over to him she realized the talking part was not an option since he was asleep, so she just checked him over, and then walked away to take a break and see what else was going on in the base. While she was walking around she started thinking about how it has been so quiet lately with no kind of Decepticon activity going on anywhere at all, which was kinda weird since it had almost been a week since the battle, it just seemed like they had just vanished, or they were planning something. When she thought about that she cringed at the thought of it so she just started to think about something else instead, like making sure that the rest of the Autobots get better before there is another attack. With so much on her mind she wasn't paying attention to where she was going when she literally bumped into Warpath.

"Oh i'm sorry Warpath." Bella said.

"It's okay. Just watch where you are going next time Bella." Warpath replied.

"I will. I just have a lot on my mind right now." She said.

"Is one of them the inactivity of the Decepticons?" He asked.

"Yeah. How did you know?" She asked.

"I think it's on everyone's mind right now. It is very odd to not have seen any Decepticons lately. I mean I was sure that there would have been a couple of small attacks from at least two or three Decepticons as retaliation for the lose that they had, but nothing." Warpath replied.

"I agree. It is very odd. I just hope that everyone is recovered completely by the time of the next attack so that we have enough fire power." Bella said.

"I'm with you there Bella. Especially Ultra Magnus." He replied.

"Well Ultra Magnus is being really stubborn right now." She said.

"How so?" He asked.

"Well he wants to get back to active duty now, but he still has at least another week to fully recover." She replied.

"Oh I see. Well I will just let you go back to what ever you were doing then. See ya later." He said.

"Alright. Se ya around." She replied as the both went different ways.  

        After a while Bella was starting to feel a little tired from all the work she has been doing with the recovering Autobots, which Ratchet was thankful for, because he didn't want to do all the work practically all by himself, so he was glad that she was helping him out. Bella was starting to believe that Ratchet wanted her to help him with everything in the med bay for now on, but he needed permission from Optimus and Ultra Magnus. She knew this because Ratchet asked her if she wanted to help him in the med bay from now on since she was doing very well with the work that she has been tasked for. Bella said yes to the offer, but then he told her that he would probably need permission from Optimus and Ultra Magnus so that he didn't get in trouble.

        Ratchet wanted to wait until Ultra Magnus was recovered enough to ask him, and not when he still had some time to recover. Bella of course was fine with it since she had a lot of stuff to do anyway, which she then remembered that she had patrol duty with Ironhide, Arcee, and Powerglide, which she was to tired to do, but she knew she had no choice since it was her turn to do it. So she headed outside to meet up with the other Autobots that had patrol duty. Once she and the others were all there they all transformed and went on patrol. Bella was paired up with Ironhide, which left Arcee and Powerglide to patrol together, which she was happy about because Powerglide liked to talk a lot and Ironhide hardly talked so that he could keep a good lookout, but she felt a little bit bad for leaving Arcee to put up with Powerglide. 

"Hey Bella." Ironhide said.

"Yeah?" Bella replied.

"Don't you think that the Decepticons inactivity seems a little strange to you?" Ironhide asked.

"Yeah, but it's not like they haven't done this before though." Bella replied.

"I know. But they never did it after a battle though." Ironhide said.

"Hmm. You have a point there Ironhide." She replied. "But whatever they are doing it is very suspicious." She added.

"Isn't everything they do suspicious?" He asked.

"Yeah." She replied.

"All right just making sure." He said with a chuckle.

"Will one of you guys switch with me? Because Powerglide will not stop talking." Arcee said over the comms.

"Now you know how I feel every time I get stuck with him Arcee." Bella told her through comms with a little chuckle.

"What about you Ironhide? Do you want to switch?" Arcee asked.

"Uh no thank you Arcee. Maybe next time." Ironhide replied.

"Well I don't care who my partner is next time, just as long as they can keep up with me." Powerglide said through comms.

"Of course you do Powerglide." Ironhide told him.

        No one said a word after that, including Powerglide, which was kind of shocking since there wasn't a lot of things that could shut him up. So after a couple of hours of patrol duty without seeing or hearing anything unusual, they all decided to head back to base and just get some rest. Bella loved the thought of getting rest after the day she had. When they reached the base they all went to their room except for Bella who noticed that Smokescreen was wide awake and he looked like he was about to jump up and drive out of the base. So she walked over there and stood right beside him, while giving him a look that said that it would not be a good idea if you drove out of here like a maniac and that you need some more rest, so that you will get better as soon as possible. When Smokescreen saw her give that look at him he did not argue, he laid back down while still looking at her with a look that said that he was sorry and will not do it again. After Bella dealt with Smokescreen she went to her room to get some much needed rest, because she knew that with Ultra Magnus, Smokescreen, and all the other recovering Autobots wanting to get back to active duty as soon as possible, she knew she needed all the energy she needs for the next week to deal with them. 

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