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        It had been a couple of days since Bella fully recovered from the Decepticons attempted surprise attack and when she was injured by one of the Predacons. So after what had happened with the Decepticons, every Autobot was on their guard and more Autobots were going on patrol to keep a look out for any kind of Decepticon activity, both big and small. While half of the Autobots were keeping a lookout for Decepticons, the other half were either training or making some kind of improvements with their weapons. Bella was one of the Autobots that were training, since she wanted to be ready when the Decepticons come back, with possibly even more Decepticons this time. Bella was training with two other Autobots, Sideswipe, and Prowl, who were both attacking her, since they both wanted to be the Decepticon for training, which Bella didn't mind, because she actually likes a challenge. So as Sideswipe and Prowl ran at her she quickly moved out of the way and then got behind them so that she could see both of them at the same time. They quickly turned around to face her, but then they both got knocked down and hit the ground hard from their feet being swept from underneath them.

"Hey! That hurt!" Prowl said.

"Yeah Bella we could have got injured." Sideswipe said.

"Oh boo hoo. We are training, remember." Bella commented.

"We remember. But you don't have to do it so hard." Prowl said.

"Hey its not my fault that you wanted to be the Decepticons. You should know by know that I like to train as if I am fighting real Decepticons." Bella commented.

"I forgot." Sideswipe said.

"So did I." Prowl said as well.

"Okay. Whatever." Bella said. "Do you want to continue or not?" 

"Sure." Sideswipe replied.

"I guess so." Prowl also replied.

        So as the three got into their fighting positions, and got ready to train some more while other Autobots were training around them, there was commotion going on near the entrance of the base from the Autobots that were keeping watch. They had just spotted an airborne object that looked like a Decepticon that was about fifty yards away, and from what they could tell, it looked a lot like Thudercracker. The Autobots keeping watch did not know exactly what was going on at first, so they did not raise the alarm, because he wasn't that close, but they got Optimus anyway just in case, as well as to ask him what they should do. He just told them to keep a close eye on him and if the Decepticon got closer to about thirty to twenty yards, that they should get him and Ultra Magnus, and then they should sound the alarm if he was about ten to fifteen yards away. They understood and they went back to work while Optimus went back inside, but made sure he wasn't far so that one of the Autobots outside could get to him quickly.

        While back in the training room, where the other Autobots were, Bella had Prowl and Sideswipe pinned to the wall, with a grin on her face. After standing there for a while with them pinned, she finally let them go so that they could get a breather and let it sink in that Bella had beaten them again. Bella decided to take a little break, so that Sideswipe and Prowl can relax and get prepared for their next brawl, as Bella watched the other Autobots train. As she was sitting there she started thinking of the training sessions she had back on Cybertron with some of her best friends that are not around anymore, the ones that did not come back from a mission, and the ones that were killed right by her side in the battlefield on Cybertron. Bella missed her friends very much and wished that they were still around to this day, but she knew that they were never going to come back. She was in deep thought until she snapped out of it when she heard something crash, and when she looked around to see where it came from, she saw Smokescreen laying on his back, as Blurr held out his hand so that he could help Smokescreen up.

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