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        Bella had just woken up and was a little sore from what had happened yesterday, but she just got up, and just pushed the pain aside like it was nothing at all. She went over to the small window and looked out to see the new day, after a while, she turned around, walked towards her door and walked out of her room, and into the main hanger, where she saw the rest of her teammates and walked over to them to report for duty. Her teammates where a bit bigger than she was, but she didn't really care, she was just glad that her and her teammates were all still functioning after yesterday's battle with the Decepticons. Bella was a 21ft Autobot which is little bit smaller than her comrades, but again she didn't care at all. When she reached the other Autobot, they looked at her and greeted her, and she greeted them back.

"Hey there Bella." Ironhide said.

"Hey Ironhide." Bella replied.

"So how are you feeling today?" Ratchet asked.

"Better than yesterday." Bella replied.

"Are you sure?" asked Wheeljack. "Because if I didn't know better, I'd say you got hit pretty hard by Breakdown yesterday." he added.

"Ha. I wouldn't really classify that as a hard hit at all." She replied.

"Then what would you call the then?" Ironhide asked.

"Yeah. What would you call that Bella?" Wheeljack also asked.

"I would call that a little punch." Bella replied.

There was a silence with some stares until Bella gave a little smile and then she chuckled a little, which led the others to chuckle as well.

"Well I never heard anyone say that before." Chuckled Bulkhead.

"Hey. Has anyone seen Optimus this morning?" Bella asked.

"He went out on patrol with Bumblebee earlier. They probably wont be back for a while." Replied Ratchet. "Why do you ask?" He added.

"I was just curious." Bella replied. 

"Do you have a crush on him or something?" Ironhide asked Jokingly.

"Uh. No" Bella replied after a couple of seconds.

"Are you sure?" Wheeljack said.

"Yeah. Are you" Smokescreen said while walking towards them, obviously listening to the whole conversation.

"Yes, I'm sure." Bella said. "Can we drop it now?" She added.

"Yes we can." Wheeljack replied.

"So has there been any con activity going on since yesterday after the battle" Bella asked.

"Not really." replied Bulkhead

"Actually Bulkhead. There was some Decepticon activity last night after the battle." Ultra Magnus said while walking towards them. "But it was nothing serious. Just what appeared to be some Decepticons that were left behind after the battle, going back to their base. That's all." He added.

"Oh. Then I was wrong. Well that was your answer Bella." Bulkhead said.

"Oh. well thank you for the answer, sir." Bella replied.

"Your welcome Bella. Now all of you should stop standing around and go do their duties." Ultra Magnus demanded.

"Yes, sir." Replied everyone as they dispersed and went to do what they were supposed to be doing.

        So Bella walked over to her station, which today was monitor duty, which she thought was kinda boring, but it had to be done so that they knew where the Decepticons were, and if they were any where near the base. But she wasn't the only one on monitor duty today, Smokescreen was there also watching the monitors for Decepticon activity, and she was kinda relieved that she wasn't doing it herself. While Ironhide, Bulkhead, and Wheeljack, were inspecting all of the weapons to see if they are working properly, and probably making some upgrades as well. Ratchet, Arcee, and Cliffjumper were checking if they had enough medical supplies and sorting everything to where they belonged, and other things. While everyone else was doing what they were assigned to do today, by either Optimus, or by Ultra Magnus, who was currently just walking around and keeping an optic on everyone to make sure everyone was doing their job.

        Everyone was very busy with their duties, except for Skids and Mudflap, who were, as always, not doing their duty, by either slacking off or bickering about who knows what. Ultra Magnus saw them and walked over to them not looking so happy that they were slacking off again.

"Why are you two not doing what you are supposed to be doing" Ultra Magnus said with some anger in his voice.

"Uh. We were um." Skids said trying to think of something to say.

"We were just helping you keep an eye on everyone. To see if they are doing what they are supposed to be doing." Mudflap said quickly.

"Oh really?" Ultra Magnus said looking at both of them with a stern look.

"Uh yeah. really." Mudflap said nervously.

"Yeah. That is exactly what we are doing." Skids added.

"Stop slacking off and go help Bell and Smokescreen watch the monitors." Ultra Magnus said.

"Yes, sir!" They both said.

        They walked over to the monitors with Ultra Magnus watching them sternly, and Skids and Mudflap seemed like they knew he was watching them, because they looked like they were nervous by the time they reached Bella and Smokescreen. They looked back to see if he was still looking at them, and when he was, they quickly turned around and started to look at the screens.

"You two really need to stop slacking off." Bella said to them while still looking at the monitor.

"Yeah. You two are starting to run out of excuses." Smokescreen added.

"Will you two just stop please." They both replied.

"Alright. We'll stop." Bella said.

"Thank you" Skids replied.

"For now." Smokescreen added with a chuckle.

        They didn't say another word after that but, Bella knew that they were not happy with that response though. So they just went back to watching the monitors for any kind of activity, and after awhile it seemed to Bella that today was going to be a slow day, if there was no activity by now. She was really looking forward to kicking some Decepticon tailpipes today, especially Breakdowns, but it seemed that it will just have to wait for another day. Until, there was some movement on the monitor which made Bella brighten up, although it could be Optimus and Bumblebee returning, but she realized it wasn't them because there was more the two signals, which had Decepticons signals flashing, and they were coming fast. She looked over at Smokescreen and the twins and knew she wasn't imagining it, because they all had the same looks on their face as she did. She looked back at the monitor and saw at least 10 signals.

"Ultra Magnus, Sir!" Bella yelled while still looking at the monitor.

"What is it" He responded as he looked towards Bella's direction.

"We have 10 Decepticon signals coming this way, and fast!" She said as she turned around to face him.

"Are you sure?" He asked as he started walking towards the monitors, as everyone else stopped what they were doing and looked at where the monitors were.

"I'm sure, sir, they are coming in fast. What should we do?" Smokescreen responded.

"What should we do?" Ultra Magnus said repeating the question. "I will tell you what we will do. We will fight them off the best we can, and make sure they do not get inside. Because if they do, they might blow this place sky high, and us with it. So get into position and one of you contact Optimus and tell him that we are under attack. That is what we do." He added.

"Yes, sir!" Responded everyone, as they went outside to fight off the decepticons, while at the same time Smokescreen got a hold of Optimus and Bumblebee of what is going on, and that he should hurry back as quick as he could. Everyone just hoped that they make it back in time to fight them off.

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