The Bigger Battle?

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        Bella was doing everything she could to go as fast as she could go to get as far away from the Decepticons as possible, but the Predacons kept gaining on her. She floored it so she could go faster, and once she did that the Predacons were moving farther away, since they couldn't keep up to her. Bella was nearing the base thinking that she had outwitted the Predacons, well that's what she thought until she looked out her rear view mirror and saw that they caught back up with her, and she knew that she could never outwit them. As Bella got closer to the base, she checked her rear view window again to only see a big ball of fire coming right at her, and she did the only thing she could think of, she shifted over to her right and just barely missed getting hit by the ball of fire. So that that the Predacons were blowing fire at her, she knew she really needed to get out of there and get into the safety of the base where the others were at, but she knew that she would not be able to make it without some back up.

"Hey Optimus. I don't think I can last for much longer with these three on my tail. Well it's not just these three, it's practically the whole Decepticon army that is on my tail." Bella said to Optimus over comms.

"I can see that Bella. I am going to send help so that you can get back safely." Optimus responded.

"Yeah that would be great. But maybe I should have had an Autobot with me, instead of going alone." Bella said.

"I guess I should have sent someone with you." Optimus said.

"Yeah, well, it's to late now." Bella responded. 

"I just sent four Autobots to help you out." Optimus said.

"I see them. I just hope that the reach me in time because the heat from these Predacons is starting to make the rubber on my tires to melt." Bella said as she saw Prowl, Powerglide, Sideswipe, and Warpath coming towards her.

"Hey Bella don't worry. Where on are way." Warpath said through comms.

"We will be there in no time." Sideswipe said.

"Oh that's good. But I really don't think my tires can go any farth-" Bella said mid sentence as one of the balls of flame hits one of her back tires which makes her skid and lose control as she does a barrel roll and then transforms and then skids to a stop.

"BELLA!" Prowl yelled as he drove faster.

"That can't be good." Sideswipe said.

"We have to get to her now!" Warpath said.

"Yeah, we do." Powerglide said.

        As Prowl, Sideswipe, Powerglide, and Warpath sped towards Bella, the Predacons started to circle her in the air, and where also descending. Bella was starting to get up slowly while she was in pain, while also trying to figure out what had just happened when she looked up and saw the Predacons circling her. She then remembered that one of her back tires blew up after getting hit by the Predacons fire. Once she realized that she got up as fast as she could with the pain she was in and then her hand transformed into a gun, and then she started to shoot at the Predacons to try and distract them long enough for her to get away. But then she looked in another direction and she instantly thought she wasn't going to get out of this one when she saw the other Decepticons coming straight at her at full speed. Well that was the case until she saw one of the Predacons fall out of the sky and saw Prowl, Sideswipe, Warpath, and Powerglide right behind her and then she knew she was getting out of this one for sure.

"It's about time you guys got here." Bella said as her gun transformed back into her hand.

"Sorry about that." Warpath said as he and the others transformed into robot mode.

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