A new plan

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        Megatron was walking down the halls of the Decepticon base with his hands behind his back, with Soundwave, Dreadwing, and Starscream walking behind him. They were walking towards the the lab where Shockwave, Knockout, and Breakdown were at to see what their progress was with the new device that they were building, since the other one got destroyed by Predaking when he slammed his hand onto the table. The Decepticons did not yet know that there was a new Autobot that had arrived only two hours ago and was already at the Autobot base. But knowing how Soundwave was with his stealthy surveillance tactics, they were going to find out soon enough. Megatron was very angry with Predaking when he destroyed the device, so angry that he almost shot him in the chest, which he didn't because he knew that without Predaking, the other two Predacons would do whatever they wanted. Once Megatron, Soundwave, Dreadwing, and Starscream reached the lab where Shockwave, Knockout, and Breakdown were at, Megaton saw that it looked like Shockwave was almost done with the device, but he wasn't certain.

"Shockwave, is the new device ready yet?" Megatron asked.

"Not completely Lord Megatron, it still needs more work." Shockwave replied.

"How much longer is it going to take?" Megatron asked.

"I would have to saw about a couple more hours." Shockwave replied.

"Good, and whenever you are done you can explain how this new plan and device that you thought of works." Megatron said.

"I will, Lord Megatron." Shockwave answered.

"Excellent." Megatron said.

"Lord Megatron." Dreadwing said. "If I could ask something."

"What is it Dreadwing?" Megatron asked.

"Why are we going with a new plan, instead of going with the other plan?" Dreadwing asked.

"Because according to Starscream here, the Autobots are on high alert, which means we will not be able to get close enough to their base to deliver the device." Megatron replied.

"I understand." Dreadwing said.

"Good." Megatron said.

        Once Megatron explained it to Dreadwing, the four of them exited the lab and started to walk down the hallway towards the main part of the Decepticon base, where the main computer was at. Once they reached the main part of the base, Megatron walked straight towards the computer, where Soundwave joined him and started to type something in. Megatron watched as Soundwave typed away, while also wondering what it was that he was doing, but didn't ask since he knew that he wouldn't answer, so he just let him do whatever he was doing. It wasn't until Soundwave brought up footage that was taken from outside the Autobot base, delivered from Laserbeak, was when Megatron knew what he was doing. So Megatron, Starscream, and Dreadwing all watched the footage that showed the Autobots all coming out of the base frantic to see what was going on, as the Decepticons where able to here and see everything that happened just an hour ago, which was taken from Laserbeak, who has been flying around the Autobot base unseen.

        A couple minutes into the video, Megatron and the others saw what the Autobots were looking at and was wondering what it was. At first he thought it was Thundercracker, since it looked like him, but then he remembered that he saw him not to long ago, so he told Soundwave to zoom in if he could on the object. Soundwave did what Megatron asked, and when he zoomed in, Megatron didn't see a Decepticon insignia on the wings, but saw an Autobot insignia instead. He was surprised when he saw that since he was sure that there wasn't any other Autobots left out there that were roaming around. His surprised look turned into a very determined look, because at that moment he wanted to get rid of every Autobot there is that are alive, which included the ones that might still be alive on Cybertron, or any other planet that is known to have strongholds that belong to the Autobots. It took a while for Starscream and Dreadwing to figure out why Megatron was so mad, since they couldn't make out what he was seeing on the screen since it was blurry, but once they figured it out, they were shocked as well.

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