The surprise attack Part 1

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        Everyone was running around the base frantically, trying to figure out what had caused all the tech in the base to short out, since they made sure that this would never happen. While some of the Autobots that were standing guard outside rushed in to try and help figure out what happened, leaving only a few Autobots to watch for Decepticons in the area, if there was any. At one point, Bella ran into Ironhide, because she was in hurry to get over to the main computer to help out Smokescreen, and Perceptor, to notice him in time before she bumped into him, almost falling to the ground. But before she fell, Ironhide caught her and steadied her, before she apologized to him, and continued toward the main computer. Once she got there, she asked Perceptor what she could do to help, he told her to open up the control panel to see if there is something that came lose or damaged, that caused all of this to happen.

        Bella did as she was told, and went over to the control panel, and she just hoped that it was just a lose wire or something else that could be easily fixed, and nothing worse. So when she opened up the control panel, she didn't notice anything wrong at first, which came to her as a little odd, until she noticed something that looked a little odd, and probably didn't belong there at all. Bella reached into the control panel to take the object out to see what it was, and when she picked it up and looked at it she was still confused on what it was, so she closed the control panel and then walked over to Perceptor so that he might know what it was. While everyone was still unaware of the Decepticons that were about to strike at any minute, catching the Autobots off guard. Especially the ones who were outside.

"Hey Perceptor, I found something, that you should take a look at." Bella said as she walked towards him, with the little device in hand.

"What is it?" Perceptor asked.

"I have no idea. I found it in the control panel." Bell answered.

"How are you certain that it's not part of the controls Bella?" Perceptor asked.

"Because it has little electronic legs on it." Bella answered.

"Alright. Let me look at it." Perceptor said as he put his hand out, for Bella to put the object in.

"Okay, here you go." Bella said as she put the little device on his open hand.

"Hmm. This is interesting." Perceptor said as he inspected it.

"What is it?" Smokescreen asked.

"I have no idea. I will have to look at it back at my lab." Perceptor answered.

"How long do you think it would take?" Smokescreen asked. 

"I have no idea Smokescreen." Perceptor answered. "Hey Bella."

"Yeah Perceptor?" Bella asked.

"You should probably go find Optimus and tell him what you found, and that I will be in my lab, if he needs me." Perceptor replied.

"Okay. I will do that Perceptor." Bella said.

"What about me?" Smokescreen asked.

"Well you can help out by trying to get the main computer back up and running." Perceptor replied.

"Alright." Smokescreen said.

        So Smokescreen went back to work trying to get the main computer back up and running, while Perceptor went to his lab to examine the device, and Bella went to go find Optimus to tell him what she found in the control panel. It didn't take long before Bella spotted Optimus trying to help figure out what happened, so she walked over to him and got his attention by saying that she had found something interesting. Optimus then looked at Bella and asked what it was, and she told him what it was that she found and where she found it, and then Optimus asked where it was, which Bella answered that Perceptor had it, and that he was in his lab examining it. Optimus thanked Bella for telling him that and that he would go to Perceptor's lab to see what the device looked like for himself, but also he wondered how the little device even got into the control panel in the first place. As Optimus headed toward Perceptor's lab, all of a sudden a big commotion was heard outside, which made everyone inside stop what they were doing and look around at each other in confusion.

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