Chapter Twenty

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The silence was overwhelming. They just sat there, not saying a word.

Rachel was the first to speak, "as touching as this all is, we need to find Ms. Shelling."

"We've kind of already covered that," Beta said, rolling her eyes.

Jayan bit her lip, thinking. Ms. Shelling had to be somewhere. But where would she hide. Wait a minute... "Kiya, Vanessa, how big is this place?"

Vanessa looked confused, "it's huge, Jayan. You know that. I'm not sure how big, though. Why?"

"Well," Jayan said, "it's just a theory. Has anyone stopped to ask why it's this big?"

"That's kind of obvious, Jayan," Beta said, "it's magic, remember?"

Kiya looked thoughtful, "but what kind of magic? I wonder... If we could find the source of the house's power-"

"We could find Ms. Shelling," Vanessa finished, "of course! I heard her talking about it once. She had a backup plan. That's where her magic comes from."

Jayan looked confused, "what? I thought she was a magic caster."

Vanessa sighed, "not really. She wouldn't have any powers at all, but she found this place. Somehow, she figured out how to tap into its powers. She has to recharge every few days."

"Amazing," Kiya said, "so we find the source of power, and destroy it. Simple."

"Not simple," Beta contradicted, "very, very not simple. We have to figure out where it is first. I doubt Ms. I'm-cursed-and-can't-tell-you-anything-important-or-I'll-die would be able to help us with it."

"You just love being pessimistic, don't you?" Jayan muttered.

"Why yes, I do," came the reply.

Arianna, who had been watching the conversation like a tennis match, chimed, "she practically thrives on it."

"Not helping," Kiya was rubbing her temples again. The headache was clearly back on.

"Actually," Vanessa cut in, "I think I might be able to help you with this one."

Everyone turned to look at her. "Go on," Jayan said.

"Well," Vanessa said quietly, "there is something. It's not very much, but I was told it was important. Ms. Shelling has her private room, you know? Well, apparently there's some kind of secret passageway in it. That might lead us to the power source. The only problem is, I don't know how to open the door."

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it," Kiya said, "this is our only lead. Lets take it." She stood, "I want Vanessa, Jayan, and Drew. The rest of you, stay here. Keep the others calm."

"But I want to help," Arianna protested.

"You'll help here just fine," Beta said, "your talking will bore them all to sleep."

Jayan followed Kiya out, Beta and Arianna still bickering. Vanessa took the lead from there. Ms. Shelling's private quarters were empty, thankfully.

Vanessa placed her hand on the wall, "here's the door. But powers won't work to open it. I don't know what will."

Kiya examined it, "there's no key hole. No lock of any kind. It's got to be magic."

"As Beta would say," Drew laughed, then mimicked Beta's condescending tone, "really now?"

Jayan reached out, "this parts different. Look. It's like a handprint. This had to be a sort of lock." She placed her hand on it, and nothing happened.

Kiya came over, "wait..." She placed her own hand on the wall, then said, "Jayan? You said you trust me."

"That's never good," Drew muttered.

Kiya took a deep breath, "I want you to shock me."

"What?" Jayan yelled, "are you crazy?"

"Maybe," Kiya said, "but if I'm right... These doors always want payment. Didn't you read Harry Potter?"

"So we cut someone with a knife!" Jayan said, exasperated, "that doesn't mean I need to shock you!"

"Just do it," Vanessa said.

Jayan turned, "why do you agree with her?"

"I know Ms. Shelling. Just do it."

Jayan took a deep breath, "this is going to hurt. A lot." She could feel Kiya tensing up beneath her palm as she lay it on the girls shoulder.

And then Jayan shocked her.

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