Chapter Seventeen

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Everyone braced themselves.

"Oh, don't be so uptight," Ms. Shelling brushed the hostility off, "sit. Stay a while."

Jasmine grinning, her attitude as hostile as the members of the Underground, "what happpened to your fearless leader?"

"That's it!" Beta looked hopping mad, "let's charge her."

"Don't jump the gun, Beta," Jayan cautioned. But the jab about Kiya upset her too. She wanted to charge just as badly as Beta.

"How could you betrey us, Jasmine?" Drew demanded, "we're your friends! What can she offer you?"

"For starters," Jasmine said, "a position as one of the leaders of the world. But so much more. Revenge, power, and fame are all good incentives. You wouldn't understand."

"You're right," Beta spat, "we will never understand how someone could be so evil, so selfish."

"Oh, evil is such a rude word," Ms. Shelling scolded, "we prefer the term 'progressive'. Isn't that what we're doing, after all? Progressing?"

"Progressing from what?" Jayan muttered. She noticed Vanessa hanging behind them, as if trying not to be noticed. It didn't work.

"I can see you," Ms. Shelling grinned, "how have you been doing? Is being a traitor suiting you? I imagine it must be. I hope you don't mind, but I've replaced you. Isn't she cute?" She spoke of Jasmine as if she was a puppy dog. Jasmine didn't look to thrilled at that.

"Cute is all relative," Vanessa said. Ms. Shelling shrugged. Vanessa drew back slightly, "you like being Ms. Shelling's latest lapdog? I know I didn't."

Jasmine flinched, "what's it to you? We will crush you. We'll crush all of you." But she didn't look nearly as convinced as before.

Jayan realized what Vanessa was doing. "I guess a dog doesn't know anything except what it's master tells it. It's to dumb to do anything but obey."

Jasmine's face paled, "you don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't we?" Beta had pushed to the front, itching for a fight, "we've been against you from the start. We know far more than you think. Vanessa has been spying on you, and relaying the information to us. We are many, and we have the magic caster world on our side. You don't stand a chance."

"Are you crazy?" Jayan hissed in Beta's ear.

Beta shook her off, "not crazy. I'm totally bluffing. Or at least, mostly."

Ms. Shelling waved her hand in a nonchalant guesture, "whisper all you want. It matters little what you plot. You will be defeated quickly. That's what we do with rebels, you know."

"We aren't rebeling." The voice in the doorway was enough to make everyone turn, and Jayan gasp. Kiya stood there, looking slightly beaten, but strong none the less. Her presence once again filled the room, "you are the rebels. But unlike most rebels, you aren't fightng for a good cause. You fight for revenge."

"Revenge!" Ms. Shelling laughed, "you speak of it as if we were petty children. No this is much more. Good to see you up and going again. You okay?" She pushed Jasmine forward, "Jazzy, I'm sure you want to say hi to your friend."

Jasmine smiled again, "is Kiya all better now?" Her condecending tone made Jayan really want to hit her.

Kiya didn't bat an eye, "sure is nice knowing who you can trust. Weeding out the rats was getting pretty annoying. I see you've been promoted to weasel now."

Yup. Kiya was back all right. Jayan smiled. With Kiya, hopefully this could end by just intimidation. Of course it couldn't. Ms. Shelling smiled wider, "lets see how well you stand together." She waved her hand, and this time something came out of the shadows.

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