Chapter Eighteen

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The group tensed as a small group of Ms. Shelling's followers appeared. "Now would be a very good time to learn that you can teleport us out here," Jayan whispered to Drew.

"I don't think I can do that," Drew said. He looked around for a weapon. Jayan readied her hands. Arianna dashed in the door.

"I couldn't stop her," she gasped, " she really wanted to help." She stopped short at the sight of Ms. Shelling's troops, "crap. This isn't good."

Kiya drew a knife, "Arianna?" The blond reached over and touched the knife. It shimmered, then shifted into solid diamond.

Beta grinned, "this is going to be fun." She grabbed her rock from her pocket. At least, Jayan figured she had, because suddenly Beta was no longer visible.

Rachel's hands glowed with heat. " let's do this." Her face was grim.

Jayan made the first move. She lashed out, grabbing one of the opponents neck. He was out like a light as her skin made contact. Arianna looked severely ticked off, although there was a lovely diamond statue in front of her. Kiya was wielding the knife, like a raging force of nature. Jayan could tell to stay out of her way.

Ms. Shelling made no move to run, but Jasmine looked itching to join the fight. But she didn't budge.

Jayan couldn't really focus on Jasmine, though. She had her own problems. "Um, Vanessa?" she called, "a little help?"

"I'm trying," Vanessa gasped, "it's not working."

Kiya knocked out the last one, "where did Ms. Shelling go?"

Jayan looked around, "she's gone! How could she have left without us knowing?"

Vanessa put her hand on Jayan's shoulder, "I'm sorry I dragged you back into this."

"I'm really glad you did," Jayan smiled, "it feels good to help friends."

Arianna looked around, "why couldn't Vanessa use her powers?"

Jayan noticed that the closest person to Vanessa was Drew, "can I try something? Beta? Beta, where are you?"

Beta appeared, "I'm right here."

Jayan took Beta's shoulders, and moved her over until she stood about a yard away from Drew, as if setting up a photo shoot.

"Now try to turn invisible." Beta looked confused, and so did basically everyone else. But she slipped her hand into her pocket and pulled out the rock.

And Jayan could tell that's what she did, because she could still see Beta.

"Why can't I turn invisible?" Beta asked, "it worked just a minute ago."

Jayan pulled her about two feet away, "now try."

Beta did, and this time it worked. As she appeared, Jayan pursed her lips, "I guess that settles it."

"Settles what?" Kiya asked.

"If I'm correct, we have discovered Drew's power. Suppressing the power of other casters."

Vanessa gasped, "that's why I could use my powers?"

Rachel frowned, "a little slow, Vanessa. She pretty much just said that."

Drew looked thoughtful, "if that is my power, why was Nick not affected?"

"That's true," Nick said, "my powers worked just fine."

"Maybe his 'flaw', so to speak, is that it only works on girls," Jayan suggested, "why don't we test it?"

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