Chapter Thirteen

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Vanessa was like a cold shadow, walking towards the foursome. Ms. Shelling sneered, "So, you decided to show up."

"Of, course," Vanessa's tone was icey.

"You know, I've suspected you to be a traitor for a while now. Of course, at least Jasmine was a traitor for the right side," Ms. Shelling taunted. Jasmine looked smug.

"Just you and me," Vanessa said, "I want my revenge. And I want it now." 

Jayan made a mental note to appologize to Vanessa later. From the look on Kiya's face, Jayan was pretty sure she was thinking the same thing. 

Ms. Shelling glared at Vanessa, "I trusted you many years ago. Now, I regret doing just that. But you can't go back on your word." She grinned. 

Jayan felt dread she was sure she knew what was coming. By now, the rest of the Underground, or those who were still standing anyway, had gathered in a half circle around the five of them. 

Vanessa looked slightly less sure of herself, "what do you mean?"

"I didn't curse you for nothing," Ms. Shelling said flipantly, "I knew what I was doing. You can't get aound it, you know." 

"No," Vanessa whispered. Her eyes were closed. She looked as pale as the ice she had cast.

 Kiya was making an odd sound. It was as if she was, crying. Jayan looked at her, shocked. She knew why Kiya had broken down, though. If Vanessa was forced to work against them, they were done for. 

 Ms. Shelling looked triumphant, as if she knew she had already won. Vanessa turned to Jayan, "Please. Don't let her."

It occured to Jayan that Vanessa was begging. And she suddenly realized that Vanessa knew about Jayan's new power. 

"No, Vanessa," Jayan shook her head, her eyes wide, "No, I couldn't..." There was something in Vanessa's eyes,however, that made Jayan step forward. 

Ms. Shelling gasped when she realized what was happening, "no!"

But it was to late. Vanessa had closed her eyes, and Jayan's hand had made contact. Vanessa screamed, but when she slid to the floor, she was smiling. 

Ms. Shelling turned to Jayan, "you!" She took in the scene. Jayan smiled. It was just Ms.Shelling, against most of the Underground. She turned to the wall, trying to open the portal. Jayan moved forward, but Kiya stopped her.

Just as the portal opened, and Ms. Shelling moved to escape, a hand caught her. It was Jessica. Ms. Shelling turned white. Then she saw someone in the croud of magic casters from the magic realm. A boy stepped forward, and took Ms. Shelling's arm as if to take her away. She cackled, linged out to grab Drew, and the tree of them disapeared.

"No," Kiya shouted, "No! We had her! It was checkmate! This can't be happening." She turned to glare at Jessica, "THanks to someone in your army, she got away. And now she has Drew!" 

Jayan felt a pain in her chest. Drew was gone. Just, gone. And she might never see him again. 

Jessica looked upset, "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I promise, I will help fix this." She turned to her army, "Go back, everyone. Except you two." She pointed to a couple of kids Jayan couldn't see, "I'll be back soon." When the two stepped through the portal, Jessica closed it. 

"Kiya, meet Rachel and Nick." Jayan looked at the kids, who seemed uncomfortable with everyone staring at them. That's when she heard it. 

"Hello? Anyone out there? Um, kind of stuck here!" came Arianna's annoyed voice. Jayan laughed slightly, going over to the glaring girl, who was still trapped in the vines, "little help, please?"

Jayan examined the vines, "I won't be able to break them. Does anyone have a knife?" 

"That girl still has mine," Arianna told her. Jayan looked at the frozen statue. She tugged at the knife. It was stuck fast.

"I can help," Rachel said. She walked over and placed her hand over the ice on the knife. It began melting, dripping through her fingers. She held it out to Jayan.

"Thanks," Jayan said, cutting Arianna free. Arianna stood and dusted herself off, trying to look dignifyed. 

 Rachel shurgged, "not a problem. That's my power. I can raise my body temperature. Very handy in cases like this."

"I'll say," Arianna muttered, taking her knife back. Her eyes lit up at the blade, "Oh, it's shiny! It looks so pretty!" 

Jayan stiffled a laugh. She looked up. Kiya still wasn't laughing. She hadn't cracked a smile. "Oh come on," Jayan sighed, "you look like Jasmine."

Kiya narrowed her eyes, turning to the statue of Jasmine. She looked back at Jayan, "Like Jasmine? I'm nothing like her! Are you saying I'm a traitor?" Kiya was yelling. And Jayan was terrifyed.

"Woah, Kiya. Calm down," Beta murmured, "that's not what she meant."

But Kiya wasn't stopping. She yelled, raging and storming, while Jayan just stood there. 

It had been more than Kiya was campable of comprehending. Jasmine was a traitor, and Ms. Shelling was gone with Drew. She had snapped.

Kiya finally stopped yelling. She burst into tears and curled up in fetal position, sobbing. No one moved to touch her.

It was clear to Jayan. Drew was missing, Jasmine was a traitor, and Ms. Shelling had escaped. 

And Kiya, the mighty leader Kiya, had fallen.

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