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It had been thirty years since Jayan's powers had worked, exactly thirty years since she had helped destroy the power generator. Afterwards, the students had gone home, unsure of what had happened. Rachel, Nick, and Jessica had returned to where they belonged, and Ms. Shelling had been taken with them to answer for what she had done.

Jayan still spoke to Arianna frequently, and she sometimes would visit with Vanessa. But mostly, Jayan saw two people. One of them was Beta, who now went by Beatrice. She lived just a few streets away from Jayan. After the house had been destroyed, and there was no one left for her to fight, she had enlisted in the army. After twenty years, Beatrice had retired.

And Jayan saw one person from those days more than any other. She was reminded of him every time she looked at her daughter, Vanessa. And she saw him first thing when she woke up every morning.

Her husband, Drew.


Well, that's the end! (finally). I know it was pretty crappy, but at least it's over now, so at if you've read this far, you can just stop now. And if you have been reading, and like the general idea, read School for the Gifted on Wattpad. Same concept, much better story. And if you have any comments, positive or negative, I'd like just a little feedback. So this is it, I guess.

Meg S. Carol, (my pen name) signing off

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