Chapter Nine

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"If we wait until she's ready to open the portal, she'll be almost unstoppable," Jayan protested. She couldn't believe she was speaking out against the leader of the Underground, "We don't have enough troops, you said to yourself. So why don't we use the three days to get more troops?"

Kiya sighed, "I admire your determination, Jayan, but there just aren't any more troops to be had."

"Yes there are," Jayan argued, "What if we went into the magic realm, and warned them? Surely they know of Ms. Shelling. They could set up a defense."

There was a chorus of approval. Kiya looked at Jayan, "You do make a good point. As Ms. Shelling said, the magic realm doesn't welcome us, but we may be able to convince them they are in danger. It will be hard though. They think be are no threat."

There was no hesitation. Everyone cheered, yelling, "Jayan, Jayan!" Jayan thought it sounded as if she had fought off Ms. Shelling's army herself, rather than make a sugestion. She was sure the whole house could hear them.

Kiya smiled for the first time that evening, "Well then, it looks like we're going to be busy tommorrow. So everyone better get to bed. Lights out in five minutes!"

* * *

"Are you sure about this?" Kiya asked Jayan again. Jayan nodded. THey had decided to take a small group of Underground members with them into the magic realm. Drew, Jasmine, Arianna, and Beta were among them. Vanessa was absent.

"Let's get going already," Arianna said impatiently, "we should be going! I don't like just standing around you know!" She caught Beta's eye and shut up. Jayan giggled.

Kiya began concentrating. Summoning a portal to the magic realm was the one thing all magic casters could do. It took a lot of energy, which was why Kiya had volunteered. She had said she was the most expendable in a crisis.

The space in front of Kiya began to glow. A rainbow of colors spiraled out to make a doorway. Then the colors faded to the edges, and the door opened. Kiya was out of breath. She waved Jayan in as she leaned over catching her breath.

And Jayan stepped through the doorway.

The veiw was extreamly anticlimactic. There was no rainbows, or unicorns, or anything remotly magical looking about it. It was quite litterally, an offic waiting room, like at the dentist. A secretary sat behind the desk.

Kiya followed with the others, maybe ten or so in all. The lady looked up, "And who might you be? Are you on a field trip?"

Kiya shook her head, "We come from Ms. Shelling's acadamy. She plans to invade and overthrow the magic casters here. We must see who ever is in charge."

The secretary frowned, "Do you have an appointment?"

"No," Kiya said, "But if you just let us in, we can explain everything. It's really important."

The secretary looked at Kiya skeptically, "all right, I'll ask. Wait here for a moment." She disappeared through the door behind her desk.

Kiya tapped her foot impatiently. Arianna huffed in frustration. Drew and Beta seemed to be the only ones besides Jayan who weren't really bothered. They could hear voices from the other side of the door.

"Ms. Shelling, they said? I do think I recall a Ms. Shellng. Let me check the files. Ah, of course, here she is. Wait, they said she's invading? Nonsense."

The secretary said something unintellegable, and the voice replied, "Send them in, of course. I could do with a laugh today."

The door opened. The lady reappeared, "Good news. You can go in."

Kiya nodded, "Thank you." She didn't sound very thankful to Jayan.

Kiya gestured for to the others to her. Jayan fell in line with them. Beta followed Kiya, then Jayan, Drew, Arianna, Jasmine, and the rest. Jayan gasped in suprise. The room they walked into was much cooler than the previous one.

The walls kept changing color, for one thing. There were pictures on the wall that actually moved. And in the middle of it was another desk, with a filing cabinet behind it. Another woman sat at the desk, smiling at the group.

Kiya bowed, "You Highness." Jayan started. She hadn't known the magic realm was a dictatorship. Her suprise must have shown, because the lady smiled.

"The title is mostly for show," she explained, "I really don't make all to many of the descisions. You may call me Jessica."

It seemed a little informal to be anouncing a war, but with a look from Kiya, Jayan began to speak, "We come with a message. Ms. Shelling, a misfit magic caster, formerly resided here, in the magic realm. She was cast out, and now she wants revenge. In three days time she will lead an army here. We wish to stop her, but there arn't enough of us. We beg of you to help us."

Next to her, Jayan saw Beta grinning. Beta mouthed, "nice speech." She was getting looks of amazment from the others as well.

Jessica surveyed her, "and those you say are fighting her are also misfit magic casters?" The group nodded. "Then I'm afraid your word has no hold here. No one will believe a bunch of misfits. Good day to you."

Jayan gasped, about to protest, but Kiya beat her to it, "That's all you have o say? Have a nice day? We certianly won't be having a nice day! You're about to be attacked for goodness sake! And you expect us to sit back and smile?"

Jayan had never seen Kiya like this. It tured out, her temper was as firey as her hair. Jessica looked startled, "I didn't-"

Kiya cut her off, obviously not finished, "And why? Because we aren't pure of power. We've had to struggle more than anyone of you normal magic casters, and how are we rewarded? By being pushed aside! I won't stand for it, not when we're trying to help you."

Beta was grinning, clearly rooting for Kiya. Arianna seemed a little miffed that Kiya got to talk so much, when she was told to be quiet. Drew and Jasmine looked a little shocked. Several of the others were cringing. And Jayan didn't know what to make of it. She made a mental note not to get on Kiya's bad side.

Jessica cleared her throat, "I guess we might be able to at least look into the matter." Kiya didn't look satisfyed. "And we'll give the misfit magic casters proper respect," Jessica sighed.

Kiya smirked, "that's better."

"Wait her one moment while I contact our army." Jessica left.

"That was so awesome!" Beta burst out. Kiya blushed.

"Oh, sure, you don't want to duck tape her mouth shut," Arianna mutterd, and the group burst out in giggles.

"I've never seen anything that terrifying in my life," Jasmine admitted.

Jayan was extreamly glad Kiya was on her side. She didn't want to think of anyone poor soul who went up against that.

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