Chapter Fourteen

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There was a gasp from the floor. Vanessa twitched, her eyes opening. Jayan knelt down beside her, "are you alright?"

Vanessa nodded slightly. Jayan hesitantly reached out her hand. Vanessa took it, and for a second, Jayan was worried she was going to shock her again. But Vanessa mearly stood, streaching and wincing. 

 Beta was shooing the Underground members out of the basement, until only Arianna, Jayan, Kiya, Vanessa, and Beta remained. 

Kiya was still sobbing. It hurt, almost, for Jayan to see Kiya like that, broken. And Jayan had set her off. 

Almost sensing what Jayan was think Beta looked up, "it wasn't your fault. She would have snapped anyway."

"Doesn't make me feel better," Jayan muttered, only slightly consoled. 

"We aren't getting anything done by standing around here," Jessica said briskly. She pushed  Rachel and Nick toward the door. 

Beta agreed, "we'd better get to the others. We need to make it seem like Kiya's...breakdown isn't a setback." She got a confident look in her eye, "we will save Drew." 

 Jayan agreed. She wouldn't stop at anything to save Drew. Over the past few days, Drew had become a good friend. Maybe he would eventually become more than that. Jayan was determined to find out.

The small troup was about to head for the door, when Jayan looked back at Kiya, "what about her?"

"I'll carry her," Arianna offered. She was stronger than she looked. It was no problem for Arianna to scoop up Kiya's wimpering form. 

Together the small group trudged up to the attic. They only had to stop once, when Kiya threw a small hissy-fit on the stairs. Jayan could tell Arianna was tempted to drop Kiya. But they both knew if she did, Kiya would never get up. 

When they reached the attic, quiet muttering could be heard inside. Beta held out her hand, stopping Arianna from entering, "wait." 

"Why?" Arianna asked her, confused. Then she looked down at Kiya, "Oh. Never mind, then." She backed away, "where should I wait then?"

Beta exchanged a look with Jayan, "maybe the yellow tranquility room?" She looked at Vanessa uncertianly.

Vanessa nodded, "I'm pretty much the only one who uses it. She should be fine there until we can sneak her in."

Arianna left, and Jayan turned to Vanessa, "before we go in there, I want to appologize."

"For the shock?" Vanessa asked, "not nessicary."

"No," Jayan said, "not for shocking you. I want to appologize for thinking you were a traitor. I should have known better."

Vanessa shook her head, "no. There was no way of knowning whether I would side with you, just as there was no way of knowning that Jasmine had sided with Ms. Shelling." Then she grinned, "and technically, I am a traitor. Just not to you. To Ms. Shelling!" 

Jayan giggled. Vanessa was right, "thanks for not being mad."

Vanessa shrugged, "no grounds to be mad." 

Beta tapped her foot impatiently, "this is all very touching, but we probably should get in there."

"Way to ruin the moment, Beta," Jayan rolled her eyes. She pulled open the door to the attic, and waved them in. Vanessa hung back.

Jayan looked at her, "you all right?"

Vanessa looked a little scared, "you thought I was a traitor. What if I go in there, and they..." her voice broke.

Jayan rolled her eyes, "Vanessa, let's be realistic. You saved us. If anyone thought that, they certainly don't now. You're our hero now."

Vanessa took a deep breath, "this whole thing feels like a crazy dream."

"I know," Jayan said, "I never imagiened I'd be fighting in a magic caster war."

"Not just that," Vanessa put her hands on her temples, "the whole magic caster thing. All of it. Joining Ms. Shelling, figuring out my powers, meeting you, everything." 

"Oh," Jayan bit her lip, "it is kind of crazy. But it isn't a dream. And we can't act like it is. The only thing we can do is move forward."

Vanessa straightened a little, "you're right. And for what it's worth, we'll save Drew. He'll be okay. I have a feeling he's waiting for you." 

Jayan blushed, "let's just go in before I decide to hit you for that."

Vanessa grinned, and pushed Jayan through the door. The whole room looked up. A few people looked nervous. Vanessa suddenly looked much less sure of herself.

"Keep moving," Jayan whispered. She led Vanessa through the room, to the back. Jessica was sitting at a table with Rachel and Nick. Beta stood, pacing back and forth. 

Jayan sat, pulling Vanessa down beside her, "What's going on?"

"Someone seems to be having an anxiety attack," Rachel cocked her head towards Beta. 

"Sorry," Beta muttered. She stopped pacing, "it's just... I don't know what to do! Kiya did everything here. I feel like suddenly a lot of weight has been put on my shoulders. I'm not sure I can handle being responsible for this."

"Chill," Jayan said, "you don't have to lead. Kiya will lead. She hasn't died. She'll bounce back, I'm sure of it. And until then, you have us. It's not like you're going through this alone."

Beta took a deep breath, "I never wanted any of this. I didn't want to be a magic caster, misfit or otherwise. I didn't want to be part of the Underground. I wish I could do what you did, Jayan, and just leave. But I can't."

Jayan was a little taken aback. What had happened to the Beta who threatened to duck tape Arianna's mouth shut? Who joked and laughed, and never took to much seriously? It was like she was gone. 

Rachel spoke up, "well, this is all very nice, but don't we have to save your friend? What was his name? Drew?"

Jayan nodded, "yeah. We need to get him back."

Vanessa looked thoughtful, "I might just know where they are."

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