Chapter 1: The Birth of Nezha

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The picture above is the dress you wore, there will be plenty of them in the next chapters

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The picture above is the dress you wore, there will be plenty of them in the next chapters.




You watched your father support your mother with an arm wrapped around her shoulder. She flicked away from him while eating the chicken leg and dough sheet. The crowd around you murmured as they saw Li's family visiting the temple, praying for the baby to be born. 

Lady Yin pushed him away before she hopped inside. "Careful." Li Jing said worriedly, you quickly went to her side along with your father.

You and your father prostrated on the pads while your mother still standing and eating the apple. "Dear, you should worship too." Li Jing said to her as she munched the apple. 

"Why didn't I think of that? I've only been pregnant for three years!" She threw the apple to the shrine and suddenly, the roof crashed down in front of you, you and your mother gasped as your father went in front of you both, protecting both of you.

The man grunted in pain as the pig was on top of him. He looked up to see Li Jing, his wife, and you. He then saw the mark on your head, his eyes widened, and quickly got himself off the pig. He cleared his throat before introducing himself. 

"From the Cave of Golden Light, my name is Taiyi Zhen..." The rock fell to his head and broke in half. "... ren." 

He then passed to the ground as you and your parents looked with confusion.




All the villagers arrived at Li's residence after they knew that Lady Yin was going to give birth to a third son. They wanted to meet him and also wanted to congratulate you on having another brother. 

"A fourth son! Congratulations!" A man pulled the sign with the letter before he got pushed by the woman. 

"I'll be a matchmaker for the little man." She got pushed by the leader of the music band. 

"We wrote him a song. Wanna hear it?" He went to play the flute along with the members.

"Thank you for your concern and well wishes, my friends. But for now, please remain calm and quiet. Just wait for the good news and we'll alert you... as soon as he's here." Li Xin said to the villagers, meanwhile, Shen watched them from afar before he sent two pieces of magic paper. It flew down slowly to who knows where.




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