Chapter 7: The Chaos on Birthday

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The servants released the clothes from the ceiling with light music playing. All the villagers' faces were full of sadness and terror, making Li Xin confused. "Huh? Why're you so sad? Show enthusiasm. Smile." Li Xin showed his smile as the villagers followed him with awkward smiles. 

He then groaned madly and approached the band. "Why does it sound like a funeral?!" The band quickly played the music into a happy one to lighten up the mood.




Meanwhile, the boundary beasts were guarding the sea yaksha who was trapped inside the barrier. "When does Lord Li want us to come out?"

"He'll signal." The other one replied as he nodded and turned away.




You went to Nezha's room and you saw him proudly admiring his cape. "Hey, birthday boy, how are you feeling?"

"I feel like never before!" You chuckled as he flipped the cape and walked around you in a circle. "How am I look? Pretty good?" He asked as he flipped the cape and posed. 

"Hmm... I think..." You looked up as he waited for your answer with enthusiasm. "You're always handsome with and without it, my little boy." You booped his nose as he turned away with a pink blush on his cheeks. 

"Stop teasing me!"

You laughed at his action and his cuteness. "Anyway, sis. Aren't you supposed to help mom cook?" 

You quickly realized it as you slammed your head with your hand. "Oh, right! I almost forgot!" You quickly headed outside but you realized something, you quickly kneeled down and gave your brother a peck on his cheek. "Prepare yourself, brother. Meet you there." 

You left the room, leaving flustered Nezha who held his red cheeks and the spot that you pecked.

He quickly shook his head to get his mind off it before checking himself in the mirror. "Hmm. Yeah, I'm feelin' this cape. Fancy!" He flipped his cape high with a grin. 

"A good shroud for a corpse maybe."

"What?" He frowned as he saw the purple smoke in the mirror. 

Shen appeared from it, "I am your ma-mast-" 

The pot flew to his head as Nezha used the hammer to bash him. "Ew, gross, a demon!"

"Stop! I know your master! So I'm a friend to you!" Nezha stopped before he tried to remember the name. 

"Oh. Your name is Shen something, right?" 

Shen stood up and introduced himself. "Shen Go-go-go..."

"What's up, Shen Gonggong?" said Nezha with the wrong name. 

"Brat! It's Shen Go-go-gongbao! And I'm here to reveal your true identity." 

Nezha's eyes widened slightly as he asked him. "What do you mean "true"?" 

Shen chuckled darkly as he looked down at Nezha. "Oh, my poor child. You have been kept in the dark for far too long."

Nezha lowered the hammer down as he listened to Shen telling the truth.




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