Chapter 10: Stick together Until the End (END)

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The silk untied Aobing as he turned back to his human form. "Why spare me?!" asked Aobing shockingly as you and Nezha turned your backs on him. 

"I told you. You're the only friend we have." Nezha replied, making him shocked. 

"And you have saved my life before. Now, I have paid back." You said, referring to when Aobing threw you behind to avoid you from getting hit by the flames.

You looked at the sky as the lighting rumbled. "Well, my time's almost up. You should leave." 

Aobing's eyes widened with a gasp as he turned around. "But aren't you worried I'll--" His collar was grabbed by Nezha who leaned to his face. 

"I thought you were the Spirit Pearl! I'm the Demon Pill and I'm braver than you? Don't be such a baby!"

"I'm a monster. When I was born, my fate was sealed." Aobing mumbled, turning away. 

"You're not listening. Your fate's what you want it to be. No one else gets to decide what you are. My father taught that to me. If fate comes at you swingin'... then you hit back." He let go of Aobing before you both floated down to your parents.

"Nezha... (Y/N)..." Li Jing called out but suddenly, the silk wrapped around both of them. "Nezha! Release us!" Lady Yin called out as Nezha pinned his spear to the ground before he picked the rune from the bag. 

Li Jing's eyes widened at it. You kneeled down to Nezha as you placed your hand on his. "Are you sure about this? You don't have to do this." 

Nezha looked at you and the rune before replying. "This is my fight. I need to face this alone. I get this."

"But before you do this, can I have a last hug?" You opened your arms widely, Nezha sobbed as he jumped and sobbed on your chest. You patted his back calmly and gently as you leaned to his ear. "I'm sorry, Nezha... but goodbye..." 

Nezha's eyes widened as he felt something off, he got pulled away as you snatched the rune from his hand before he found himself being imprisoned inside the diamond lotus on your feet. "What the-- (Y/N)!" Nezha yelled from the inside, he tried to push the lotus but it was too heavy so it moved a little bit.

"(Y/N)! What are you thinking?!" Lady Yin yelled as Li Jing watched in shock. 

Your face was emotionless as you looked at the rune in your hands. "I know you want to help Nezha but... leave this to me." You then tore it apart as it fell to the ground. You looked at the sky as if you had a few minutes before you would be killed. You smiled in relief as you confessed to the three. "You wanna know why I know? I knew it 2 years ago after you came back with Master Taiyi. I wanted to ask but you kept your mouth shut. So..." You turned to your father as he frowned sadly.

"I searched your room..."





At midnight when everyone fell asleep, you floated up to Li Jing's room as you wanna know how he would undo Nezha's curse. 

You finally arrived at his room and searched everywhere until you opened the inner shelf and saw two runes. You picked it up as you were curious about what they were.




After that night, when you finished your training and Taiyi taught Nezha, you read all the books about the runes until you saw the familiar pattern in the book. 

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