Chapter 3: The World Inside the Painting

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~On the next day~

Li Xin walked to Nezha's room as he was serving him breakfast. "Master Nezha! Time for breakfast." The beasts cleared the barrier to let him through. They closed it before they heard the sound of clattering as Li Xin ran out panicky. "THE YOUNG MASTER'S ESCAPED AGAIN!"

"What? Oh, no!" The beasts gasped before they went inside and no sight of Nezha. 

"That's impossible." The other one agreed with him. 

"Mm-hm. I agree." They were all startled as Li Xin stomped his foot. 

"Don't stand there! Report this to Master Li!" They all ran out to tell Li Jing. 

"You can count on me!"

"I'm on it!"

Little did they know that Nezha was hiding on the roof as he hung himself upside down. "There's no guard alive..." He then landed soundlessly before wandering around. "Who can keep me locked up?" 

He then went to the yard before he saw something familiar on the ground. He picked it up as it was the tiny lotus made of silver diamond that he knew that it was you who made it.


He then saw another one not far from him, he then picked it up before he looked up to see the floating painting. 

"Wha..." He approached it as the lotus was under it. He leaned his finger on the painting before the force pulled him inside it.

He screamed as he twirled around before landing roughly on the grass. He groaned in pain before his eyes widened at how gorgeous and beautiful the view was. He felt someone behind him as he quickly went on guard he turned around but he realized it was you.

"Wait! Nezha, it's me."

"Big sis!" He then leaped at you for a hug, knocking you to the ground. "I know it is you." He picked the diamond lotus up as you chuckled at how he knew you. 

"You know me too well." You hugged him back before someone interrupted you both. 

"Welcome to the world inside the painting. Scenic, isn't it?"  Nezha turned around to see Taiyi sitting on the rock. He slid down from you as you stood up to the ground. 

"What's the big id--"

"Ah-da-da. Hold onto your socks. I'm about to show you a little somethin'." He frowned as Taiyi showed the brush made of jade. "With one stroke, you can change the painting to reflect whatever your little heart desires!" He used the brush to turn the tree into a boat that surrounded you both. 

"You've got a brush. Big deal!" You were startled as Taiyi jumped into the boat with you two. 

"Why don't you just sit back and watch this bad boy in action! Do your thing, brush!"

He then used the brush to create the water as it made the boat float. You clenched on the boat tightly while Nezha was holding onto you tightly. The boat drifted to the cliff before it went down straightly. You and Nezha held onto each other as you two and Taiyi fell down.

Taiyi flicked the brush as the water turned in that direction, making you three go to the boat again. The boat floated up into the air as you enjoyed the view. The boat went to the mountain that was covered by snow and it slid down at high speed. Taiyi then flicked the brush to create the ice rink as the boat flew in the air again. You held Nezha's hand as you all went to the river.

You all dived into the river before floating up by the pink lotus under your form. You smiled happily before noticing the carps with wings swimming under you three. "Wow..." Nezha breathed out stunned. You thought of something funny as you threw the diamond into the river it transformed into a carp but with the diamond skin instead. 

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