Chapter 5: First Friend

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Aobing sniffed his clothes before he pouted because of the smell. "Wait." 

The yaksha stopped before it bowed to Aobing with its forehead slammed on the sand. "Spare me! I just wanted a snack! I didn't eat a person!"

"You gave us the antidote. So I'm grateful. But if you try to do evil in the future, I won't spare you again." Aobing said with a deadly glare. 

"Okay, okay!" The yaksha nodded before it transformed into water and swam away into the sea. 

"Hey, you! Boy! What? Still wanna fight?" Aobing turned to Nezha as he yelled.

"That's not fair to you."

"Huh? I'm no match for you? Come on then. Show me what you got." As Nezha walked towards him, you wrapped your arms around him, preventing him from attacking. 

"Nezha, stop it. He tried to save the girl too." He scoffed as he tried to get out of your grip. 

"Thank you for saving me." Aobing saluted, shocking the both of you. 


"And for saving this girl as well. Today, you both were my allies. I will find a way to repay the kindness you two have shown." 

Nezha chuckled before he got out of your arms and landed soundlessly. "Nah, it was nothin'. We were simply following the will of Heaven. Cause we were destined to be great demon slayers!"

You chuckled at his pose before you saw Yaya approach him with Jianzi in her hands. "You're not afraid of me?" He asked in a surprised tone. 

"You save Yaya from bad guy." Nezha stared at her before he threw her up in the air with happiness. 

You and Aobing watched him with a smile, you were happy as someone finally accepted him.




You kicked the Jianzi with your knee and your feet before you passed it to Nezha. Yaya clapped her hands as she enjoyed it, Nezha then kicked towards Aobing as he slowly moved the Jianzi towards the sky and dropped down to his foot. Nezha hummed before he gestured for him to kick it. 

Aobing smiled before he kicked the Jianzi with his feet and shoulders before spinning himself and kicking it to Nezha.

You three played Jianzi for a while but when Aobing kicked it to Nezha, he didn't kick it back. You noticed your brother's behavior as he turned away from you and Aobing. You kneeled while Aobing was crouching down to his sides. 

"Hey. What's wrong?" Aobing asked before you asked next. 

"Is anything wrong?"

"It's nothing. Just get eyes in my sand." He replied. 

"You mean sand in your eyes?" You corrected him. 

"Let me see. I can get it out for you." Aobing said before he turned him around, revealed to be tears.

"AW, MAN! THIS IS EMBARRASSING!" He flicked his hand before punching the rock out of humiliation, you and Aobing were shocked by it. "Okay, fine! My mom and Big Sis are the only other people who'll play this with me. So I got emotional. Big deal!" He then sat down on the ground.

You chuckled at his cuteness before you pulled him to your lap and hugged him tightly from behind. He puffed his cheeks as he tried to hide his face from you.

You and Nezha then saw two conch shells in front of you. "Huh?"

"We're friends now. If you want to play again, come to the shore and blow this." You both received the conch shells from him. You looked at him and saw the mark on his head. You knew immediately that it was a Spirit Pearl. "When I hear the conch shells, I'll come from wherever I am. I forget. I'm Aobing. And you two?"

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