Chapter 6: The Invitation

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"~I'm a scary demon. Better run and hide. Legend says I'll eat and eat 'Til everyone has died.~" 

Nezha sang his poem as he used his foot to knock the pot with a chopstick. 

"~And they're right. You should steer clear. Best take their suggestion, Cause when I eat too much, I get real bad indigestion.~" 

He then sighed deeply. After what happened, he got dirtier and his hair was messy. He even locked himself inside his room.

Li Xin entered the room with a tray of food. "Please eat. You haven't had anything in three days." 

Nezha kicked it before he threw the food at him, kicking him out. Li Jing, Lady Yin, Taiyi and you looked at him in pity as he tried his best. 

"It's okay. We'll handle this." You said, comforting. He nodded as he went back before you all went inside.

"Nezha..." Nezha turned as he heard your voice, seeing you, his parents, and his master. You sat beside him on his bed as he looked up at the ceiling. 

"Dear. How long are you going to be like this?" Lady Yin asked. 

"Leave me alone. I just wanna die in peace. ~I try to help but no one cares, so honestly why bother?~"

"Isn't Jianzi your favorite, huh? I could play with you right now." Lady Yin raised the Jianzi up but Nezha didn't even turn around. 

"I've designed a really neat now training course in your painting called Ride the Clouds. Wanna give it a try?" Taiyi swang the brush, Lady Yin nodded to agree with him.

"~I'll close my eyes and disappear.~" He then nuzzled your legs and snored. You turned to your parents and Taiyi as their faces lowed. You sighed as you didn't know how to cheer him up, that incident hit him hard. 

"Hey! Your third birthday's only ten days away." Your, Li Jing and Taiyi widened their eyes as she mentioned his birthday. "The people of Chentang Pass want to celebrate with you."

"Yeah?!" Nezha smiled widely before the smile dropped with a sigh and laid back down. "They'd celebrate my funeral. Not my birthday." Nezha scoffed as he turned away. 

You, Taiyi, and Lady Yin lost hope before your father spoke up. "The Sea Yaksha can move as water, without being noticed. Its saliva can petrify people and leave a residue. That misunderstanding has been resolved. They know you and (Y/N) drove off the demon."

Nezha's eyes brightened about it. "Oh! Yes, your father's right. The celebration's the thank you for defeating the monster." Lady Yin quickly added before she elbowed Taiyi. 

"It would be. I see my teaching has paid off!"

Nezha scoffed as he frowned. "Now those morons get it. About time." He pulled the torn blanket over him.

"Promise you'll be there?"

"All right, fine!" He yelled you all nodded as you were about to leave the room, but suddenly, Nezha grabbed the hem of your dress. You looked back before turning to your parents, gesturing to his hand. They both nodded to let you stay with him as they all left the room and the door closed.

You startled shockingly as Nezha jumped and giggled happily. You chuckled at his action before he wrapped his arms around your neck. 

"So, you wanna invite someone to the party?" You said, Nezha snapped his fingers as he tore the curtain and laid it down. You gave him the brush with an ink stain, and he sucked it before writing down on it with giggling.




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