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"You." Jennie slowly whispered, eyes narrowing at the blonde girl in surprise.

"Do you guys know each other?" Mr. Park asked, fondly looking at the two.



The two girls simultaneously blurted out, causing the man to look at them in confusion.



Mason Park laughed, gently tapping his daughters back. "Which really is it?"

"I see her at school sometimes, that's all." Jennie smiled politely, looking away from the flushed blonde who remained silent.

"Oh, then that's better! You can work well together and hang out." The man look at Roseanne with a loving smile.

"My Rosie here doesn't have much friends and she's too shy too."

"Dad!" Roseanne half yelled, completely embarrassed at her father's words. But the man seemed to not care that his daughter is blushing in embarrassment at the moment, for he still continued talking.

"She's a year younger than you, please take care of my Rosie." The man smiled widely, bowing a little at the awkward brunette who bowed as well.

"I'm going to leave you two now, I still have to make the pastries." Mason smiled once more before disappearing to the kitchen, leaving the two standing awkwardly at the counter.

Roseanne wondered if it was okay for her to speak first although she was embarrassed as hell, the awkwardness is just too much for her to bear, so she thought that she should apologize to the girl first, even if the place isn't really ideal for that kind of conversation at all.

But she doesn't have the courage, she figured that a simple sorry will not make up for the things she did to the girl, or to make her hate her less somehow. Roseanne sure as hell know that she ruined the small brunette's life, and she was beyond sorry and embarrass to her now. She just wished she knew who she was sooner, to avoid this kind of encounter.

"One long black, and one strawberry and creme frappe please. Two chocolate cakes as well." A customer ordered before the blonde could even say something.

Nice save. The blonde thought.

Roseanne stood awkwardly in her station, staring at the brunette who was busily making the customer's order.

"Are you just gonna stare at me all afternoon or make their coffee?" Jennie coldly blurted out, eyes never glancing back at Rosie.

"Oh." The latter bit her lip, face palming herself internally. She must have looked like a fool standing there awkwardly while staring at the brunette.



Working in the afternoon is hell, I thought customers only flock in the morning but I didn't know that people also love getting coffees in the afternoon. Not that I'm that surprised though, considering I love drinking coffee in the afternoon too. But having a coffee shop near the school is on another level of being busy, I don't even have time to sit, let alone glance at the brunette beside me who was skillfully making half of the customers orders.

"Ugh." I sighed loudly, massaging my back and shoulders. I must have been standing for the past three hours or so, I'm starting to feel my legs cramping.

"Good job, you two." Dad cheered, walking in on us to see how we're doing.

"There are only two tables occupied, why don't you go inside the kitchen and rest for a bit while I take care of things here." I smiled thankfully at my dad and started removing my apron.

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