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A frame slowly crept behind Jennie, causing her to immediately jolt up.

"Rosie..." She breathed out and held her chest, closing her eyes to exhale and calm herself.

"Sorry." The former sheepishly smiled, to then frown upon seeing Jennie's clothing up close.

"Uhm..." Rosie trailed off, well aware of the bystanders gawking at her friend from head to toe.

"You wore skirt today." She casually said, earning a small smile from the oblivious brunette.

"I did."

"It's because of the wound on my knee, and wearing pants would only rub the fabric on the wound, I don't want it to hurt even more." Jennie half smiled, limping her right leg a little.

"Give it here, I'll carry them for you." Rosie offered.

"No, no. It's fine, Rosie. I don't want you walking me to class, it's like countless of buildings away from yours."

"No, I insist. I can't let you walk like that while carrying those heavy books." Rosie argued, reaching to grab Jennie's things but she quickly moved away.

"It's fine, my classmate said he will help me." Jennie declined, oblivious to the huge frown on the brunette's face.

"He? Are you– uh, close with h-"

"Oh, look! Here he comes." Jennie enthusiastically waived her hand, smiling oh so brightly at the average looking man.

"Hi, Jen. Let's go?" He smiled, glancing at Roseanne for awhile to give her a small nod.

And that made the latter more pissed than she already is, she glare at the guy and roll her eyes, crossing her arms while witnessing the two low-key flirt right in front of her.

Is this the reason why she doesn't want her help? Because she'd rather spend time with that man than her? Is she really choosing a classmate over a friend?

It's so damn frustrating, Roseanne thought, and so damn infuriating. If she doesn't want her to walk her to class and would rather go with that man instead, then so be it. Roseanne doesn't care, at all.

"Hey! Rosie!" Jennie yelled when she started walking away.


But she didn't stop, or turn her head back. Instead, she walked away faster from the two while still feeling her blood boiling.



I wasn't in the mood the whole day, maybe because of that little incident earlier. That man's face still pisses me off, and the way he smile at her and compliments her. He was low-key flirting with her! And Jennie wasn't even doing anything to turn down his advances.

But why would she though? Of course, she would entertain anyone right now. She's single and can do whatever she wants.

But for whatever reason, it just doesn't sit right with me. I just– I don't know why, but seeing her with someone pisses me off big time.

Maybe because of what had happened before with Chanyeol, yeah right– maybe that was the reason why I became more protective of her... I guess.

Lunch came by rather longer than what I had hoped for, sitting in class while thinking about that fucker made me unable to focus much in class. Good thing I was able to somehow answer when my professor asked me a question, otherwise I'll be doomed.

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