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The rest of the week passed by without Rosie and I talking much, just a simple hi and hello whenever we see each other; whether it be in the hallways at school, or at the coffee shop. A small act in which I always initiated first.

And what we have become over the past few days made me sad, rather than awkward. It was such a shame that I can no longer hang around her, like I used to. I thought we were already friends–but that night just had to happen and ruin things for the both of us.

I don't know what exactly happened that made her act like this– so distant, so quiet. I thought we were okay the morning after and even after that little incident in the changing room 5 days ago. But I was wrong, because she keeps on avoiding me. Or at least, that's what I think.

These past few days, I tried talking to her, even tried my best to get her usual bubbly and loud self back but well, it didn't work out.

So I stopped trying.

Today is Saturday, and it's that time of the week to work full time again. I braced myself for another day of awkwardness at work, with Rosie near yet so far around me.

"Morning." Mr. Park greeted, but I was too tired and drained to even reply to him so I just nodded my head instead.

I quickly changed into my uniform and started working at the counter, without even bothering to look at Rosie. I was so focus into making it home without bumping or interacting much with her.

"One café mocha, please." A short haired female customer that seemed to be in her mid-twenties smiled at me. The girl has this perfect pearl white teeth, and cute little dimples on her right cheek that made her look even more cute when smiling.

"One café mocha for?" I asked, waiting to know her name.

"Samantha, just Sam." She shyly smiled, blushing away.

She's really cute.

"Beautiful." I murmured unknowingly, confusing her.

"Excuse me?" She softly asked.

"Uh– I mean your name, it's beautiful." I awkwardly smiled, scratching my head a little.

"Samantha, just Sam." I joked, making her giggle.

"Thank you..." She smiled, gaze then falling down to my name tag. "Jennie."

"Uh-hum.." Rosie cleared her throat, looking– glaring at the direction of my hand that's been touching the customer's hand.

"Sorry." I shyly look away and pull the card from Samantha's hand.

"It's okay." She whispered, looking away as well.

"Here's your card, we'll call you when your order is up." I smiled for the last time, still staring at her back while she look for a seat.

"Give me that." Rosie snatched the receipt away from my hand and proceeded to make Sam's order.

"Hey, you don't have to." I whispered, getting the receipt back.

"Well I'm already making it, Jennie." She rolled her eyes, giving me the attitude before continuing her work.

What the hell is wrong with her?

"Samantha, just Sam?" She yelled out loudly after making the coffee.

"Let me–"

"No, I'm giving this to her. Just make the next coffee, quick. There's a lot of orders."

"But I'm in charge of getting the orders today." I argued.

"And I said, I'm going to give this one to her." She snapped, jaw clenching while glaring at me.

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