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"Where were you yesterday? We looked for you everywhere." Jisoo says, sitting next to me in this loud ass cafeteria.

"I was feeling sick. Sorry, I had to leave early." I lied, flashing them a small smile.

"You sure?" Lisa narrows her eyes at me, perhaps knowing my whereabouts yesterday.

"Of course."

"Fine." She shrugs her shoulders, and stops putting the pressure on me. I sigh, looking around the room and catching a familiar figure of the last person that I would want to see at the moment.

I exhaled loudly, averting my eyes somewhere else instead.

"You know as long as you're in the same school, you're always gonna see her right?" Lisa whispers, slowly turning around to look at Jennie and her friends.

"You shouldn't have come today, Rosie." Jisoo added, worriedly looking at the group of girls who were walking into our direction.


"I can't. I have to play my set later, remember?" I quirk my brows and glance at her.

"Did they see us?" I ask, despite knowing the answer.

Of course they didn't, the cafeteria is full of people that even some students and outsiders were already standing up and chaotically running around.

"We should go shopping for the lantern festival." I hear Irene say as they walk in front of us, she was walking beside Nayeon who was busily talking to her about going to some boutique and finding the perfect dress for the occasion, while Jennie.... she was walking behind them— no, she was more like just mindlessly dragging her body around.

Her face looks dull, and her eyes puffy. Her shoulders were slumped forward, and I could easily tell that her mind is preoccupied by something.

And I'd both hate and like to think that it was because of me.

"Stop staring." Jisoo warns, gently pulling my jaw away.

"How are you?" Lisa asks in concern.

"I feel like shit." I half smiled, swallowing another lump that grew in my throat.

I feel like the universe were playing tricks against me, I'm so close to thinking that it hates me. I think it likes seeing me suffer, because if not— then why the hell is Jennie and her friends sitting on the table in front of us, out of all places? And why is she situated right where I can vividly see her.

And I must have been staring at her for long, I must have been so engrossed into looking at those beautiful brown eyes that looks tired, yet still mesmerizing. I must have been so drawn into staring at her face's familiar little details, at her small lips, at her cute nose, at her fluffy cheeks.

It must have been seconds, minutes, because the next thing I know, everything in me hurt... It hurts because I can no longer see them up close, I can no longer kiss them, I can no longer admire them.

I can only just... helplessly stare from afar.

And it hurts, I would be lying to say that it didn't.

That it didn't make me want to just rip my heart out and send it to her, for I have no use of it anyways.

'Cause she already owns it.

Jennie must have sensed someone starting at her, because she started fidgeting in her seat. She then looks around for a couple of seconds before her eyes landed into mine.

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