Prologue: Spirit Pearl, Demon Pill, and Star Diamond

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"Over the course of 1000 years, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gave birth to the Chaos Pearl."

The blue and red crystal slowly transformed into the face of the creature. It has blue scleras with red irises.

"Feeding off the sun and moon, its power grew at an unstoppable rate. The divine and demonic life forces it absorbed. Fuss it together, making it unstoppable and no less hungry."

The Chaos Pearl looked around heaven before wandering around. It met the sun and opened its mouth to absorb its energy of it.

"So my master, the supreme lord of heaven, sent my brother and I to put a stop to the chaos."

The pig came off the cloud along with the big-belly man who lay on his side.

"I know what you're thinking, "Who's the dashing rogue on the pig?" That would be me, Taiyi Zhenren. And If I weren't so busy being a super impressive butt-kicking, day-saving monk, I've been told I could be a model."

Taiyi laid his hand on his waist, posing, making Chaos Pearl frown in confusion and sizzle.

"C-Chaos Pearl." It gasped before turning to see Shen Gongbao. "You can't escape. T-This is the end of the line." Shen picked his weapon at his back, the sword had lighting around it. Chaos Pearl rasped and crackled as it threatened the two.

"Don't scare it, you big meanie." Taiyi said before he beckoned the creature. "Go on. There's a good pearl. Come here. Here, boy!" Chaos Pearl whirred before it increased itself larger. "Or girl?" 

Chaos Pearl growled as it completely transformed, with the body full of crystal. Chaos Pearl raised its fist before punching Taiyi on the cheek, knocking him to the cloud with his feather spear.

Shen smirked slightly with a chuckle at him before he attacked the Chaos Pearl, the sword clanked with its hand, sending him flying off. The Chaos Pearl rushed to him as Shen wrapped the pearl with the whip around his hand. "It's over!" 

 He sent the electricity to the pearl, the electricity went to its chest as it roared. "It absorbs energy!" The electricity went to its right arm before punching Shen away, sending him to the cloud along with Taiyi.

Taiyi jumped off the cloud and yelped at the bruise on his cheek. "You bruised my moneymaker! Someone needs a time-out!" Taiyi caught the fist and another one with his hands. He whistled, calling the feather spear to wrap it around the pearl's hands and wrists. "Hit me now. I dare ya!" 

The pearl grew four arms as it growled loudly. Taiyi looked with disbelief before nervously chuckling. "I was just playin' around?" He then got punched with two arms while the other two were checking himself on the hand mirror.

As the Chaos Pearl was still attacking Taiyi and Shen, the Supreme Lord or Yuanshi Tianzu grabbed the constellation that floated around him before he used it to create the giant pot. He moved his hand down, making the pot fall down quickly. Chaos Pearl noticed it before it got trapped inside. Tianzu turned it upside down before the lid closed it.

"Master!" Tianzu floated down slowly to his students and the pearl as they saluted them. They both said as the flame burned down the Chaos Pearl, it roared before it disintegrated into a pearl and separated into two.

"I have divided the Chaos Pearl into two parts, The Spirit Pearl and the Demon Pill." The two pearls flew off the pot, one was blue while the other was red. "The Demon Pill is dangerous and nearly indestructible." He picked the constellation up and cast a spell on the Demon Pill. "I'm casting a heaven-made curse, a lightning bolt that will seek out and destroy it in three years' time. Until that day, you must stay vigilant and watch over it." 

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