To Visit A Friend

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One day Solarflare, Skyfire, Starscream, Starshine and Starcatcher all went to Earth to send sometime with Bumblebee and his team. Who were all happy to see them.

But as the day went on Starshine was because very board because all the adults were just talking about things she wasn't interested in. And her little brother was sound asleep.

While Denny and Russel were out grocery shopping. And she didn't want to talk to Fixit because he board her.

"Who can I talk too?" Starshine asked herself. Then she remembered Steeljaw and his pack.

"I could go catch up with them." She told herself. "Yeah it's been awhile since I last saw Steeljaw."

So she got up and left the scrapyard to go see Steeljaw.

While she was walking she came across a baby bear. Not being aware that one shouldn't mess around with a baby bear she petted it on the head thinking it was cute.

Only to be surprised by the baby bear's mother who chased her off a cliff. Causing her to get injured. Her wings was dented and her insignia and it's tracking device were damaged.

And when she hit the bottom she land in mud being covered by it. Now she was in a lot of pain and just wanted to get back to the scrapyard.

But after some time and a while of walking she came to the scary realization that she was lost.

"Way to go Starshine you just had to run off and play with that baby bear didn't you!?" She scolded herself.

Meanwhile back at the scrapyard.

"It's time to leave." Solarflare told everyone and went to find Starshine to tell her it was time to go home.

But couldn't find her daughter anywhere and panicked realizing that she was missing.

So they asked Fixit to find her signal but he couldn't get a read on it.

And that caused her family started packing know Starshine could have been hurt or killed.

"If we wanna find Starshine we'll have to split up and look for her." Bumblebee told them and they all agreed.

"Fixit stay here to keep an optic on Starcatcher." Bumblebee added. Knowing he was young and couldn't be left alone.

Fixit agreed. And the others went off to look for Starshine.

Meanwhile with Starshine.

She was still trying to find her way back to the scrapyard. But was now starting to limp having hurt one of her legs in the fall she took.

And as she was walking she ran into Thunderhoof who was annoyed.

"Oi yo better be careful!" He yelled but stopped when he saw who it was.

"Oh sorry for snapping like that I had a bad day." He quickly apologized.

"Are you OK?" He then asked noticing what condition she was in.

Then she told him about everything that happened to her.

"I need to see a doctor badly." She added after she finished explaining.

"I could take you back to base to get cleaned up and fixed." He offered.

"OK thank you." Starshine accepted agreeing to go with him.

So he picked her up and carried her to their base. And once there he called out to Steeljaw.

"Hey Steeljaw I brought a friend." He told him.

"Who is it?" Steeljaw asked then saw Starshine and what condition she was in.

"What happened?" He asked concerned as he took her out of Thunderhoof's arms. Then took her to get cleaned up and fixed.

"Steeljaw acts like that kid is his own." Said Fracture.

"Yeah he does." Thunderhoof agreed.

Later Starshine was cleaned up and repaired. But her paint was still scratched up.

"Don't worry Knock Out can fix this up for me later." She laughed.

And Steeljaw smiled and petted her on the head. And she giggled at the jester.

But just then they heard screaming and fighting and rushed out to see Starshine's mother beating the living scrap out of Steeljaw's pack. While demanding to know if they had her child.

Then Starshine ran to her Mom and explained that they weren't hurting her and that they we're the ones who fixed her and that everything was OK.

And Solarflare give her daughter a big hug and told her she was just happy she was safe.

Then they went back to the scrapyard and called Bumblebee on the com-link and let him know she found Starshine and that she was safe and everyone could go back to the scarpyard.

After they left Thunderhoof got up still dazed from what Solarflare did but impressed by how strong she was.

"Hey Steeljaw why did you treated that kid as if she was your own?" Thunderhoof asked his boss.

"Because in the past before I became a criminal I had a lover and child who I tragically lost and my child looked similar to Starshine so she reminds me of the child I lost." Steeljaw explained.

Meanwhile at the scrapyard Starshine was scolded for wondering off like she did. And she give out a heartfelt apology.

"I'm sorry I only wanted to see Steeljaw." She explained. And they all accepted her apology.

Then after saying goodbye to Bumblebee and his team. Starshine and her family went home.

The End.

This story was a request from my friend hannahconkle Starshine, Solarflare and Starcatcher all belong to her. And this story was her idea. You should definitely check out her work when you get a chance it's really good. And I hope this story turned out OK.

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