Dear Diary

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One day Megatron was babysitting Starshine and her baby brother Starcatcher to make up for all he had done to their uncle Starscream and mother Solarflare and they let him since they couldn't find anyone else to watch them.

Megatron noticed how Starshine was engrossed in her electronics.

"Starshine I have something for you." Megatron said handing her a journal. "You can use it to write down events in your life."

"Thank you." Starshine smiled accepting the gift.

And she hung out with Megatron and help him with Star at her till till their parents got back.

Later she started writing down everything that had happened to her so far in her life. Then she got to the events on Earth.

"Hey Mom can I go to Earth for a little while to write down what happened to me there?" She asked Solarflare. "I need to go to where the memories occurred."

"Ok I don't see why not." Solarflare agree to let Starshine go stay with Bumblebee and his team for a while understanding because she was the same way.

When they call Bumblebee he agreed to let Starshine stay with his team for a few days wanting her to come to Earth again.

"She always brings the fun with her and the Team's been wanting to see her again." Bumblebee said to them over the com-link.

Starshine arrived on Earth awhile later with her belongings and new journal and started writing down the events that happened to her on Earth.

Like what happened on her birthday ,when the space bridge broke and everything that had happened to her there so far.

Awhile later Bumblebee and his team had to leave because a Decepticon was causing trouble.

While they were gone Starshine looked around at the cons that were already in the stasis pods which made her think of Steeljaw and his pack.

"I wonder if they could be turned good because Steeljaw and his pack have always been kind to me." She thought.

Then she saw Verdabreak's pod and was really creeped out by him. She had once had a nightmare when she was six of a creature like Verdabreak locking her in a lab and doing all kind of horrible experiments on her.

Even after so much time had passed she was still horrified by the thought of that awful nightmare.

Not wanting to be anywhere near him she decided to leave but tripped and fell down on to Verdabreak's pod and didn't realize she had accidentally set him free.

Then she felt something push her a little and looked back and saw that Verdabreak was free now and flashed back to her nightmare.

Then Verdabreak looked and saw the young seeker femme in front of him and had an idea for one of his experiments he just needed a young child.

"Come with me?" He asked her.

"No way!" Starshine refused then ran for it.

Not wanting her to escape Verdabreak chased after her.

After losing Verdabreak for a minute Starshine decided to write a note to Bumblebee and his team to explain to them what happened. In case they didn't come back in time.

After she finished writing the note she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Verdabreak who knocked her out.

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