Night Of Terror

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It was a normal day when Team Prime got reports of strange things happening on Cybertron's moon lunar 1.

So they sent Arcee and Starscream who had turned over a new leaf and joined the Autobots to investigate knowing Arcee and Starscream didn't get along Smokescreen had gone with them in case they needed someone to help keep the peace.

Ratchet was currently cleaning the medbay and chatting with Knock Out while they waited for the three to return, everyone else was currently on Earth helping Bumblebee's team deal with Steeljaw and his pack, so things slow but that was about to change.

"So wanna watch a horror movie or something while we wait for the others?" Asked Knock Out who was feeling board.

"No thanks I saw Bulkhead and Miko watch and scream at them enough to turn me off to watching any of them myself." Ratchet declined.

"That's ok Starscream doesn't like them either." Knock Out explained with a chuckle." I guess not everyone can handle that much suspense."

Just then the space bridge opened and Arcee, Starscream and Smokescreen came back to base and explained that Airachnid and her Insecticon army were responsible for the strange goings on on lunar 1.

"Unfortunately Airachnid escaped." Arcee said not sounding happy that her arch nemesis was still at large.

"We'll get her next time." Smokescreen told her encouragingly.

"Hey Screamer bet you can't read this creepypasta without screaming." Knock Out smirked at the seeker while holding a datapad that was opened to a story.

"I don't have time for this nonsense I'm going for a flight." Starscream said as he walked out the door.

"Wait for it, three, two, one." Knock Out told the others while hold out the datapad.

"Oh I'll prove it's not scary at all." Starscream huffed as he came back and took the datapad then went to his room to read it.

"Knew he couldn't back out of a challenge." Knock Out said fighting back laugher.

"I'm blaming you if he starts having nightmares and keeping the rest of us up." Ratchet grumbled.

Just then they heard Starscream let out a cry of terror.

"Already?!" Knock Out questioned not expecting Starscream to have gotten scared that fast. "There's no way he could have gotten to the scary part that quickly."

Then the red medic went to check on the seeker but was shocked when he opened the door to his room and saw Airachnid who had somehow followed Arcee, Smokescreen and Starscream through the space bridge was now looming over the seeker who she had webbed to the floor like a fly.

Seeing his friend in trouble and remembering what the spider had done to Breakdown Knock Out jumped right into action activating his drill and saw.

"This is for Breakdown!" Hissed the red sports car pure rage in his voice.

The others heard the sounds of a fight going on and rushed in to help only to be greeted with the sight of Knock Out struggling with Airachnid who had one of her legs stabbed into his shoulder and was attempting to use her acid on his faceplates, while the Austin Martin was struggling to hold her servo back and trying to kick her off him.

While meanwhile on the other side of the room Starscream was going crazy trying desperately to free himself from the webs that had him stuck to the floor wanting to help his friend.

Then Airachnid tossed Knock Out into a wall before escaping out the window, then Smokescreen freed Starscream while Ratchet got to work tending to Knock Out who appeared fine other then having a wound on his shoulder where Airachnid had stabbed him, a small burn on his cheek from her acid and a dent on his helm from hitting the wall.

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